Aravindan Neelakandan
Aravindan Neelakandan 

A Deepavali Message

ByAravindan Neelakandan

Dear Reader,

Today as a valued reader of Swarajya we introduce you to our heritage program. We launched the program last year and are planning to convert it into a premium subscription in the next few weeks.

Last twelve months of the programme saw over 50 articles on different dimensions of our heritage. Our reporters have walked the less travelled paths to look into the Cinderella of our heritage; they have interviewed those who are living embodiment of this culture and heritage. Even in well known temples we have brought out dimensions hitherto unknown. Apart from this we have made heritage the living experience of more than 200 readers whom we took on heritage tours with the best of the subject experts.

Why this programme is important?

Consider this. If we are not aware of this heritage then it will be lost for ever. This is a living culture and an endangered heritage. This painful paradox needs course correction at war footing. But to do that we need to raise the awareness of enlightened citizens like yourself about what we have and what we stand to lose if we are not aware of it.

This awareness creation for our heritage through the multi-dimensional approach is a novel Bhagirathic effort on the part of Swarajya to realize the cultural capital of our heritage in various domains ranging from healthy social relations, transcending linguistic barriers finding common cultural bonds and economic value as well as boosting of a qualitatively better form of tourism.

Look at the ruins of Hampi for example where we take our readers. They would have already read about the great Vijayanagar empire and its achievements in Swarajya magazine and website. So when they visit the place they will be have an exhilarated feeling of both deja vu and realization of the magnificence of the place. Couple with this the subject expert, usually a scholar who has spent a life time studying the heritage site, giving them a tour that shall explain the historical, cultural and spiritual significance of the living temples and sad ruins there. The sense of loss will be mitigated by the way in which Archeological Survey of India has put together the pieces in what looks to be a Hanumanic effort. Again the exploring Swarajya heritage tour seekers are left to wonder if we are really realizing the complete potential of cultural capital here?

This is the feeling we want to stir in our readers. We need our readers to remember the past, experience it in the present and use it to reinvent the future. Whether it is the Chozha temples and Pallava architecture, whether it is the beauty of Badami caves or the magnificence the Ellora temples we need you to become our partners in this great Yagna to preserve, celebrate and take our heritage to the next level of making it do wonders to our society.

Our posterity will look at you with gratitude for making this great effort. We have read our ancestors went to great extent, sacrificing their very lives, for preserving this culture and heritage and hand it over to us. The culture and heritage of India is definitely even today endangered and slowly we are losing it without us being even aware of it.

Yet now fortunately we need not have to do the kind of sacrifices our ancestors did to preserve the heritage. We do not have to face the swords nor undergo torture to prevent the destruction of our culture and heritage. All you have to do is just a click. With a click you can transform yourself into ambassadors of our heritage to our own less aware neighbours, friends and family members.

All you need to do is to buy or gift this Deepavali a sponsorship under the heritage program. You can contribute as little as Rs 2,999 to as much as Rs 49,999. If you contribute Rs 19,999 or more we'll give you a FREE ticket worth Rs 14,999 on a Swarajya Heritage trip of your choice, subject to availability.

Click here to contribute.

Counting on your support,


Aravindan Neelakandan