
Swarajya Exclusive: A Ground Report From Kathua

BySwarajya Staff

Dear Reader,

We hope you’re having a great Sunday. We'd like to highlight a comprehensive ground report Swati Goel Sharma and Arihant Pawariya, both of them Swarajya staff members, wrote for you.

Both Swati and Arihant spent nearly two full days in Rasana, the village in Jammu where an eight-year-old girl had been killed earlier this year. The case has since taken bizarre turns.

Bollywood actors, their new films releasing soon, took to placard activism. A naive reaction at best or a cynical marketing gimmick for their new film at worst.

We saw plenty of outrage in the media as well. Most of it just outrage and no substance.

What was missing was a proper report from ground zero. A report that explained the facts of the case without prejudice towards anyone. This is exactly what Swati and Arihant have delivered for you in their 4,000-word essay published yesterday.

Reportage like this is expensive and requires long-term thinking and investment. Reportage like this is only possible with Swarajya readers backing us with their subscriptions.

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Have a great Sunday, and once again, do buy a subscription.