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Savarkar: The Unsung Poet

Vikrant PandeMar 19, 2015, 12:30 PM | Updated Feb 11, 2016, 08:51 AM IST
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 नेमजसीनेपरतमातृभूमीला। सागरा, प्राणतळमळला

भूमातेच्याचरणतलातुजधूतां। मीनित्यपाहिलाहोता

मजवदलासीअन्यदेशिं चलजाऊं। सृष्टिचीविविधतापाहूं

तइंजननी-हृद्  विरहशंकितहिझालें। परितुवां वचनतिजदिधलें

मार्गज्ञस्वयें मीचपृष्ठिं वाहीन। त्वरितयापरतआणीन

विश्वसलों यातववचनीं। मी

जगदनुभव-योगें बनुनी। मी

तवअधिकशक्त उध्दरणीं। मी

येईन त्वरेंकथुन सोडिलें तिजला।

सागरा, प्राणतळमळला

 शुकपंजरिं वाहरिणशिरावापाशीं। हीफसगतझालीतैशी

भूविरहकसासततसाहुं यापुढती। दशदिशातमोमयहोती

गुण-सुमनेंमीं वेचियलीं ह्याभावें। कीं तिनें सुगंधाध्यावें

जरि  उध्दरणीं व्ययनतिच्या हो साचा। हाव्यर्थ भारविद्येचा

सागरा, प्राणतळमळला

 O Ocean, take me back to my motherland; My soul is tormented.

I had always seen you,

Washing the feet of my motherland.

You led me to a different country,

To experience the diversity of nature there.

You promised her that you would take me back;

I was reassured.

I believed that my experience of the world,

Would help me to serve her better.

Saying that I would return soon,

I took leave of her.

Oh, Ocean, I am now pining for my motherland


Like a doe caught in a snare,

The promise you made was deceptive!

I cannot suffer the separation anymore,

Darkness envelops me everywhere.

I had accumulated flowers of virtues,

In the hope that my mother will be rendered fragrant with their smell.

What use, this burden of knowledge and virtues

If my mother cannot prosper from it?

I miss the love of the mango tree, the flowers in my garden back home the blossoming creepers and the blooming rose… I feel desolate…

 Oh Ocean, I am pining for her… Take me back to my motherland

Oh Ocean, I am pining for her… 

 ज्योस्तु तेश्रीमहन्मंगले। शिवास्पदे शुभदे

स्वतंत्रते भगवति। त्वामहं यशोयुतां वंदे

राष्ट्राचेचैतन्य मूर्त तूं नीतिसंपदांची

स्वतंत्रते भगवति। श्रीमतीराज्ञीतूत्यांची

परवशतेच्यानभांत तूंचीआकाशीहोशी

स्वतंत्रते भगवती। चांदणी चमचम लखलखशी।।


स्वतंत्रते भगवती। तूचजीविलसतसे लाली

तूं सूर्याचेतेजउदधिचेगांभीर्यहि तूंची

स्वतंत्रते भगवती। अन्यथा ग्रहण नष्ट  तेंची।।


मोक्ष मुक्तिहीतुझीच रूपें तुलाच वेदांती

स्वतंत्रते भगवतीIयोगिजनपरब्रह्म वदती

जेजेउत्तमउदात्तउन्नतमहन्मधुर तेंतें

स्वतंत्रते भगवती। सर्व तवसहचारी होते।।


हे अधम रक्त रंजिते। सुजन-पुजिते! श्रीस्वतंत्रते

तुजसाठिं मरण तें जनन



स्वतंत्रते भगवतीIत्वामहं  यशोयुतांवंदे।।

 Victory to you, O Auspicious One, the Munificent and Holy!

 You are the embodiment of our national spirit, our morality and our accomplishments

O glorious Goddess of Freedom, you are the Queen of righteousness

 In the dark skies of enslavement

O Goddess of Freedom, you are the shining star of hope.

 Whether on flowers as soft as cheeks, or on cheeks as soft as flowers!

O Goddess of Freedom, You are that blush of confidence!

 You are the radiance of the Sun, the majesty of the Ocean

O Goddess of Freedom, but for you the Sun of Freedom is eclipsed.


O Goddess of Freedom, you are the face of eternal happiness and liberation,

That is why the scriptures hail you as the supreme soul.

All that is ideal, magnificent and sweet,

O Goddess of Freedom, is associated with you


You are the destroyer of evil (stained with their blood), O Goddess of Freedom

Life is to die for you,

Death is to live without you.

All creation surrenders unto you!


Victory to you, O Auspicious One, the Munificent and Holy!

O Goddess of Freedom, I seek you blessings for success





म्हणुनीचविमल हृदयात—

हृदय त्यावाहुद्या!

Let me see my God in his temple

Let my eyes have their fill of Him

My hands have been defiled

Cleaning filth day and night

To cleanse them in the pure heart

Allow me; I pray

On his deathbed, Savarkar welcomes death saying

येमृत्यो! येतूंये, यावयाप्रती

निघालाचि असशिलजरि येतरीसुखें!



भ्यावेंतेंकाम्हणुनीतुजसिपरी मी?

Come, Death, come! Having set forth

To get me, come gladly

Let these flowers fear to wither and die,

Let these juicy grapes dread to shrivel and die,

But me! Why pray should I fear you?

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