MOOCs. (Website/University of Cape Town).
MOOCs. (Website/University of Cape Town). 

Attention Span Of A Sparrow? 50 Per Cent IT Professionals Leave Online Courses Before Finishing, Shows Study

BySwarajya Staff

According to a survey conducted by a global e-learning company, Edureka, more than 50 per cent of Indian IT professionals who take up e-learning courses, give up before completing them, as reported by India Today.

“Low course completion rate is a critical problem that plagues the e-learning industry, but it's often forgotten in the race to acquire more customers," says Vineet Chaturvedi, Co-Founder of Edureka. Inability to motivate themselves and lack of hands-on guidance were cited as some of the main reasons for learners quitting the course.

The online survey involved 339 Indian IT professionals who expressed an interest in taking an online course. It was undertaken to learn about the nature of on-the-job learning undertaken by IT professionals in the country.

Commenting on how dropout rates can be minimised, Mr Chaturvedi stated, “Tech learners need constant motivation, high-level interactivity, and engagement from learning platforms. Today's e-learning platforms need to offer the best of both worlds - online learning's inherent convenience and ease of access with offline's real-time interaction and engagement.”

A research paper published by Katy Jordan of The Open University, UK, arrived at similar conclusions. “Completion rates (defined as the percentage of enrolled students who completed the course) vary from 0.7 per cent to 52.1 per cent, with a median value of 12.6 per cent,” the paper said.

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