Attacker Usman Khan (Source: Twitter)
Attacker Usman Khan (Source: Twitter) 

Cambridge University Showcased London Bridge Attacker Usman Khan As The Posterboy For Its Prisoner Rehab Program

BySwarajya Staff

The London Bridge attacker Usman Khan was hailed as a success story for the Learning Together rehabilitation program, an initiative run by Cambridge University to educate prisoners, The London Telegraph reported.

Learning Together, a Cambridge University programme, worked with Usman Khan in prison and after his release. The university presented him as a sucessful case study to demonstrate how they helped prisoners.

Usman Khan used his connections in the program to obtain a permit to travel to a Learning Together event in London, where he killed and injured several people who were helping him in the program.

Jack Merrit, among the victims killed in the terror attack, was regarded as Usman Khan’s mentor in the prisoner rehab program and convinced that he could “guide him to redemption”.

Usman Khan reportedely wrote a poem and a thank-you note to organisers of Learning Together event after they provided him with a computer. His release licence banned him from going online.

In February 2012,Usman Khan was convicted on terrorism charges for his role in plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange and build a terrorist training camp on land in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir owned by Khan's family. Usman Khan was however released after serving just eight years of his sixteen year sentence and placed in a rehabilitation program