(Image via ‘All India Radio News’ Twitter)
(Image via ‘All India Radio News’ Twitter) 

Coronavirus: 1,009 Of 1,196 Covid-19 Patients Discharged After Recovery In Agra; Recovery Rate Over 84 Per Cent


A recovery rate of 84.04 per cent from COVID-19 in Agra has been achieved after a multi-pronged attack on the virus, with a sustained focus on over 60 containment and buffer zones, health officials here have said.

In the past 24 hours, 12 new cases increased the tally to 1,196, while the number of patients discharged rose to 1,009 after 18 were sent home on Saturday following recovery. The number of deaths was 85. District Magistrate P.N. Singh said the number of active cases now was 103. So far 21,113 samples have been collected.

Health officials, however, warn that July would be the crucial month when the rate could spike to alarming heights, as Malaria and Dengue could compound the situation and increase the pressure on the already burdened medical infrastructure.

Accordingly, various government agencies and departments are being geared up, and their activities being coordinated and reviewed by the nodal officer appointed by the Yogi government.

The Agra Municipal Corporation has mounted a propaganda blitz to sensitise people on health related issues. Teams of doctors are visiting mohallas in the interior city to give consultations and medicines to the sick. The S.N. Medical College will have 200 beds ready for corona patients by June end.

This news has been published via Syndicate feed. Only the headline is changed.