Daily Caller
Daily Caller 

Democrats Protest President-Elect Donald Trump Nationwide

BySwarajya Staff

Democrats, stunned by Trump’s win, took to the streets late Wednesday. Many shouted the slogan "Not my president". Others burned orange-haired effigies of the businessman.

Protests were largely peaceful but in Oakland, California, some demonstrators smashed shop windows and threw missiles at riot police, who reportedly responded with tear gas

Protesters came out in major cities, including New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., in the second straight night of protesting the results of the election.

While there were limited reports of protesters harassing reporters and Trump supporters in front of the White House Tuesday evening, the protesters stepped it up Wednesday in front of the Trump International Hotel in D.C.

According to the Daily Caller, protesters hindered the flow of foot traffic. They harassed a elderly couple, forcing them to walk on the street around the group as members shouted "fuck Trump," and "how dare you support him?"

The crowd chanted "fuck Trump" repeatedly, while carrying signs that favored "immigrant workers." A local Latino Trump supporter told The Daily Caller News Foundation he was ordered to move along by protesters because he didn't support diversity.

"These people are protesting because there is a very real fear of Trump that needs to be addressed," black activist Van Jones said on CNN Wednesday evening.