An ISIS flag (Marwan Ibrahim/AFP via Getty Images)
An ISIS flag (Marwan Ibrahim/AFP via Getty Images) 

Entire British Family Of 12 Which Left UK To Fight For ISIS In Syria, Now Dead

BySwarajya Staff

The British 'Mannan' family of 12 who had made headlines around the world when they had fled to Syria to fight for the terrorist outfit ISIS, have all died, reports Dailymail UK.

According to the report, three of the grown-up sons from the Mannan family were killed fighting for Islamic State, while seven more relatives, including three children between the ages of one and 11, lost their lives in an airstrike.

The report also revealed that the elderly parents, Muhammed Mannan and his wife Minera, both died in the terror group's former capital from natural causes, marking the end to the entire family.

The family is believed to have crossed the border into Syria soon after arriving in neighbouring nation of Turkey in May 2015. two months after their arrival in Syria, the family had released a statement declaring their support for the Islamic State and their happiness at being in a land which is free from corruption and oppression of man-made law and is governed by Shariah.

Mannan's son Shalim, from a previous marriage responded from the family's home town in Luton, "They are all dead. It's over, finished. We had been trying to find out for some time what had happened to them and it was only confirmed to us recently from Syria."