Electric Vehicle Charging Station  in Delhi (Pradeep Gaur/Mint via Getty Images)<a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>
Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Delhi (Pradeep Gaur/Mint via Getty Images) 

GAIL To Get Future Ready: Plans Network Of Electric Vehicle Charging Points At CNG Dispensing Stations 

BySwarajya Staff

The Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) has announced its foray into setting up battery charging stations for electric vehicles and building solar plants, EnergyInfraPost has reported.

GAIL is the country’s largest gas transportation and marketing company and the new ventures are a bid to ensure that the company has a presence in the new age emerging technology space.

A senior company official has also stated that the company would be open to exploring avenues in setting up waste-water treatment plants, water distribution including laying of water pipelines. It is understood that GAIL is looking to leverage its position as the country’s biggest pipeline operator and the push towards the renewable and new energy space is a bid to ensure a diversified portfolio.

Currently, the company is heavily reliant on the gas and petrochemical space and a venture into alternate energy would not only hedge the risks but also prove profitable to the company in the longer run.