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Government Exempts Financial Sector, Minor Forest Produce And NTFP Activities From Lockdown Restrictions


The Centre has exempted financial sectors, Minor Forest Produce (MFP) and Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) activities from the lockdown restrictions amid COVID-19 crisis.

All agricultural and horticultural activities like collection, harvesting and processing of MFP and NTFP by Scheduled Tribes and other forest dwellers in forest areas have been exempted from the restrictions imposed to curb cornavirus spread.

Plantations like bamboo, coconut, arecanut, cocoa, spices plantation and their harvesting, processing, packaging, sale and marketing have also been exempted from the lockdown norms.

Besides, financial sector like Non-Banking financial institutions (NBFCs), including Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) and Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) have also been allowed to function with bare minimum staff.

Cooperative Credit Societies have also been exempted from the lockdown guidelines.

Construction activities in rural areas, including, water supply and sanitation, laying or erection of power transmission lines and laying of telecom optical fibre and cables along with related activities have also been allowed.

The guidelines were issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Thursday (16 April) in continuation of its 15 April consolidated guidelines issued in exercise of the powers conferred under the Disaster Management Act.

The lockdown 2.0 will end on 3 May and the exemptions will be imposed in those areas which are not under containment zones.

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)