The surgery was performed by Dr Tejas Patel, from a remote location with robotically controlled instruments, which is enabled by technology and advanced robotics. (image via Twitter)
The surgery was performed by Dr Tejas Patel, from a remote location with robotically controlled instruments, which is enabled by technology and advanced robotics. (image via Twitter) 

Gujarat: World’s First Telerobotic Surgery Performed By Dr Tejas Patel From 32 Kilometres Away 

BySwarajya Staff

The world’s first surgery using a telerobot was conducted on a patient in Ahmedabad, Gujrat reports News 18. Dr Tejas Patel, the chief interventional cardiologist in the Apex Heart Institute of Ahmedabad, guided a robot to perform on a patient, 32 kms away from the Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar.

The patient, a middle-aged woman, had a blocked artery. The surgery was performed from a remote location with robotically controlled instruments, which is enabled by computer technology and advanced robotics.

Previously, Dr Patel has widely used robotics for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). However this time, he conducted the surgery from a remote location from outside the operation theatre.

With the success of the operation, there is a potential to dramatically increase accessibility of tertiary care for heart and stroke patients in rural areas and areas with a lack of adequate medical service.

Dr Patel says, "This procedure could have been done with a 20 MBPS connectivity speed as well. I believe this will not just transform coronary intervention, but the entire vascular space. It has the capability of changing the lives of millions of people living in rural areas.”

The technology used by Dr Patel was the Corpath technology of US-based Corindus Vascular Robotics. Mark Toland, CEO of Corindus said, “It was a matter of pride for the company to be associated with a procedure that could be used to provide quality healthcare on a larger scale.”

Dr Patel selected Swaminarayan Akshardham temple since it represents both devotion and technology. “I took care of the heart of Pramukh Swamy Maharaj, and that has made me a better person”, Dr Patel said.

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said the government would be exploring to use the technology to ensure quality specialised healthcare in rural areas.