Parade of Gentlemen Cadets at Officer’s Training Academy (OTA) (@adgpi/Twitter)
Parade of Gentlemen Cadets at Officer’s Training Academy (OTA) (@adgpi/Twitter) 

INMAS Produces ‘Made In India’ Kit That Helps Armed Forces Tackle Nuclear Warfare And Accidents

BySwarajya Staff

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) has developed an indigenous nuclear medicine kit, The HinduBusinessLine has reported. INMAS is the medical division of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). The kit will ensure protection from serious injury and aid faster healing of wounds due to nuclear warfare or radioactive leakage. The kit has been developed after 20 years of work.

The kit has 25 items which include radioactive protectors which can absorb 80-90 per cent of radiation, nerve gas agents, bandages that absorb radiation as well as tablets and ointments. The same kit was being imported from abroad for higher prices, according to INMAS Director AK Singh.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) injection, which is part of the kit, grabs uranium in the guts and blood of the victim during nuclear accident or warfare. The Ca-EDTA respiratory fluid traps uranium and heavy metals in lungs absorbed through inhalation. The medicine can reduce the burden of radioactivity by 30-40 per cent. Several paramilitary forces are signing Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with the institute in order to procure the kit.

These kits can be made available for civilians at a later stage, according to medical doctors at All India Institute of Medical Sciences. “Such medicines will help everyone and not just soldiers. This will also help the victims affected in terrorist attacks”, head of Trauma Centre at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rajesh Malhotra, has remarked on the development.