Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addressing a press conference in Tehran. (ATTA KENARE/AFP/GettyImages)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addressing a press conference in Tehran. (ATTA KENARE/AFP/GettyImages) 

Iran Removes All Limits On Nuclear Programme; Will Develope Centrifuges To Accelerate Uranium Enrichment

BySwarajya Staff

In its latest move to abandon its commitments made under the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran has decided to remove all limits to its nuclear programme, reports BBC. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has announced that the country will start to produce centrifuges to increase the pace of uranium enrichment.

This comes amidst the ongoing rise in tensions with the United States, which under President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. European countries tried to salvage the deal but were unable to convince Iran to stick to its provisions as the country was battered by American sanctions.

Iran has already crossed the 300kg limit on low-enriched uranium which it was supposed to abide by as per the nuclear deal. It has also breached the 3.67 per cent restriction on the purity of uranium it was allowed to enrich.

The United States, Israel and some other countries have accused Iran of aiming to build nuclear weapons, although Tehran claims that its nuclear programme is solely aimed at peaceful ends.