(Representational photo) (Photo: Chris Roberts/MOD via Wikimedia Commons)
(Representational photo) (Photo: Chris Roberts/MOD via Wikimedia Commons) 

Is India Cyber-Secure? Firms ‘Overconfident’ Of Their Systems In Place, Says Survey

BySwarajya Staff

Security managers at Indian firms are over-confident in their cyber-security measures despite steady growth in data breaches recently reports, Deccan Chronicle.

Eighty-Eight per cent of the executives are convinced that their firm is better prepared than other firms in their industry to deal with a cyber attack. It was also found that one in three organisations either have limited infrastructure to handle the cyber-threats or have no robust assessment program.

The findings were part of a survey conducted by research and consultancy firm Ovum. The survey was commissioned by the silicon valley firm FICO. “There is clearly a bit of a disconnect amongst security managers regarding where they sit in relation to the competition,” Country Manager (India), FICO Vishal Goyal told Deccan Chronicle.

Majority of Indian firms (56 per cent) felt that the level of cyber-threats and data breach activity will go up. Financial firms felt that the threats and data breach could go up by 80 per cent.

The survey was conducted through telephonic interviews with 500 senior executives, mostly from the IT function, in businesses from the UK, the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, India, Finland, Norway, Sweden and South Africa.