Donald Trump signing an executive order. (Andrew Harrer - Pool/GettyImages)
Donald Trump signing an executive order. (Andrew Harrer - Pool/GettyImages) 

Jack Welch Grades President Trump: ‘D Minus’ On Management Skills, ‘A’ On Policy Front

BySwarajya Staff

Jack Welch, the iconic corporate chieftain and former chief executive of General Electric gave US President Donald Trump a 'D minus' on his management of the White House, but an 'A' on the policy front – for the economic team that he has put together and appointments he made for Supreme Court.

Participating in 'Squawk Box’, a morning news and talk show on CNBC, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories, Welch said that an impeachment proceeding against Trump would blow the market away.

Welch said that Trump's sacking of James Comey as Federal Bureau of Investigation director smacked of naivety. He described it as a 'rookie mistake'. "You don't make any friends doing it the way (Trump) did it," he said.

"I think without question we have a guy that's on the right agenda with crappy management practices," Welch said, giving the President a 'D minus' on his management skills he had displayed so far in White House.

Welch awarded Trump a generous 'A' on the policy front for his cabinet choices and selections at Supreme Court. He praised the President for nominating Exxon chief executive Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.

Welch also credited Trump for boosting morale of business owners and consumers. "There's an air of confidence," he said. He advised the President to stay focused on the message. "Stay on jobs. Stay on health care. Stay on tax reform."

Welch also urged Trump to fix the Washington bureaucracy. “I think he was an entrepreneur who ran his own shop and he never ran a bureaucracy,” Welch said. “It was a family business, which he ran beautifully. He was successful. But you can’t keep doing that.”

“If you run a bureaucracy, they’re in the weeds, they’re behind the desk, they’re whispering around the water-cooler. You’ve got to nail them and get them the hell out of there,” Welch said.

Welch is known to be a well-wisher of Trump.