Muslim women at a programme to celebrate the passing of the triple ‘Talaq’ bill by the Lok Sabha. (Arvind Yadav/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
Muslim women at a programme to celebrate the passing of the triple ‘Talaq’ bill by the Lok Sabha. (Arvind Yadav/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) 

Muslim Outfit Issues Fatwa, Threatens To Stone Women Against Triple Talaq, Nikah Halala To Death

BySwarajya Staff

Just days after a fatwa against Nida Khan and Farhat Naqvi, two victims of triple talaq leading the protests against the practice of nikah halala, a Muslim outfit has threatened to stone them to death, Deccan Herald has reported.

According to reports, an outfit named All India Faizan-e-Madina has also announced a cash reward of Rs 11,000 to whoever cuts the braids of the women and stones them to death. The Islamist outfit has asked the women to ''leave the country'' within three days or be ready to face serious consequences.

“Our group will award Rs 11,786 to anyone who stones Nida Khan and Farhat Naqvi, shaves their heads and scares them away from India,” the head of the Islamist outfit, Moin Siddique Noori, has declared, reports said.

The outfit has said that the women should be punished for questioning the tenets of Islam and Shariat, which was a ''sin''.

The women, however, remain unfazed and vowed to continue their fight.

The two women have led several campaigns against the practices of nikah halala and triple talaq. Nikah halala is the practice in which a Muslim woman, who wants to re-marry her husband after divorce, has to first marry another person and get a divorce from him after the consummation of the union.

Nida Khan, divorced by her husband through triple talaq, has alleged that she was forced to marry her father-in-law and brother-in-law, and consummate the marriage with them under nikah halala. Ala Hazrat Dargah in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly has excommunicated her from Islam.

Farhat Naqvi, the sister of Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, was divorced by her husband 11 years ago for giving birth to a girl child.