State Bank of India bank
staff assist customers to withdraw money with the use of a mobile banking
machine at Siliguri District hospital in Siliguri on 22 November 2016. Photo
credit: DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/GettyImages
State Bank of India bank staff assist customers to withdraw money with the use of a mobile banking machine at Siliguri District hospital in Siliguri on 22 November 2016. Photo credit: DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/GettyImages 

Odisha Hospitals Urged To Install Card Swipe Machines

BySwarajya Staff

Odisha hospitals and medical colleges have been asked to install credit and debit card swipe machines, following the demonetisation move.

The state government yesterday (26 November) asked the district collectors to facilitate installation of the card swipe machines in different health institutions for smooth transactions.

In a letter to the district collectors, Health Secretary Arti Ahuja asked them to install card swipe machines in medical colleges, district headquarters hospitals, sub-divisional hospitals with a proper tie-up with banks and proper receipt mechanism.

"In order to facilitate cashless transactions in different health facilities, it is necessary to procure and install credit/debit card readers at the payment counter in different health institutions," said the health secretary.

With inputs from IANS