(C Rajaji)
(C Rajaji) 

On Rajaji’s Birthday: Four Must Read Articles

BySwarajya Staff

On Rajaji’s birth anniversary, here are four pieces to be read if you wish to explore more about the man.

1. Rajaji: Beyond Market and State by Keerthik Sasidharan

This piece is an illuminating commentary on both Rajaji and the contemporary Indian conservative movement. Sasidharan highlights the aspect of responsibility and restraint inherent in the Indian conservative movement and cautions against hasty comparisons with the West.

An author, poet, composer, philosopher, social reformer, administrator, leader, the conscience keeper of the Mahatma—which tag describes Rajaji best? Jerry Rao engages with that question in this piece.

3. Rajaji and Burke by S.Dakshinamurthy (Swarajya archives)

In this piece published in Swarajya in 1973, the author explains why he thinks Rajaji was similar in his approach and legacy to the English philosopher Edmund Burke

4. Rajaji is 135 Today by Seetha

Written exactly two years ago, this piece provides an overview of the thoughts and actions of Rajaji and explains why he continues to be relevant in current times.