Fire Temple in Secunderabad
Fire Temple in Secunderabad 

Parsi Community Uses Digital Technology To Guard Cultural Heritage: Prayers Now Available In Audiovisual Format

BySwarajya Staff

The Parsis in India are trying to come up with different solutions to keep in touch with their past. Keeping in mind the steep decline in Parsi population, new efforts are being made, such as digitising its prayers, reports The Hindu.

The community has digitised their prayers and is dispersing them through pen drives. The prayers include the basic ones as well as the highly advanced ones chanted by the priests in the fire temple.

They hope that this would help people access the material easily, both for the young and the old, and also help the priests get a reference point.

“What we have created is an audiovisual mode of education” said Ervad Sarosh Aibara, who was the brain behind this idea and with him was another priest Ervad Keki Ravji.

Anahita Desai, chief executive, World Alliance of Parsi Irani Zarthoshtis, said it was a great effort.

The World Zoroastrian Organization (WZO) Trust has even a sponsored video version.

“We thought it was a great project, given that the number of Parsi priests has been declining. The compilation has some higher liturgical prayers,” said the WZO chairman Dinshaw Tamboly.