Dr Payal Tadvi.
Dr Payal Tadvi. 

Payal Tadvi Suicide Case: Early Investigation Finds No Proof Of Any Caste-Motivated Harassment By Seniors

BySwarajya Staff

The ongoing investigation into the death of Dr Payal Tadvi, who committed suicide at Mumbai’s Nair hospital, has as of yet not thrown up any proof of her being harassed due to her caste, reports Mid-Day.

Although police officials working the case have been able to gather statements from people working at the hospital about the alleged workplace bullying which Tadvi faced, the accusations by her parents that her treatment by the accused doctors was due to her caste has not yet been substantiated.

It has been revealed that the three accused, Hema Ahuja, Ankita Khandelwal and Bhakti Mehare, used to torment Tadvi over the latter allegedly being incompetent at her job, and also targeted her for her bad handwriting.

"Payal's handwriting is not that good, so the accused used to go through her file sometimes and tear up the pages and make her write it all over again,” said one of her colleagues.

Another way that Tadvi was apparently pressurised was by allotting her additional work whenever she tried to go home early from work.

The 26-year old doctor’s suicide case has blown up in the media with particular focus on allegations of caste-based harassment by her seniors; the speculation surrounding such claims has been countered with the accused claiming that they were never even aware of Tadvi’s caste background.