Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev  

‘Too Much Blood And Resources Wasted’: Sadhguru Calls For Ordinance To Revoke Article 370 To Integrate J&K With Nation

BySwarajya Staff

Following the recent suicide bombing attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama in which more than 40 jawans were martyred, spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev took to Twitter yesterday (Wednesday, 20 February 2019) to urge the NDA-government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to revoke Article 370 of the Constitution which gives Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) a special status.

In his tweet Sadhguru called for an end to the wastage of lives and resources, stating that J&K must now be integrated with the rest of the country by the removal of Article 370 through an ordinance. He also tagged the official handle of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The remarks drew massive support from people on Twitter; the withdrawal of the Article 370 has been a long-standing demand from many sections as it is seen to weaken the possibility of full integration of J&K with India. The Bharatiya Janata Party in its 2014 general election manifesto also promised that it would work towards revoking the said article.

Legal experts are split on whether the article can, in fact, be revoked or not, as the text of the provision says that such a revocation can only happen on the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of J&K, which was dissolved in 1957.

Others argue that the provision was only intended to be of a temporary nature, and should have automatically been considered ineffective following the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.