Damaged newspaper office (@LeighTauss)
Damaged newspaper office (@LeighTauss) 

US: After CNN Centre, Rioters Vandalise Offices Of ‘Progressive’ Newspaper As Rampage Continues

BySwarajya Staff

With riots continuing in large parts of the United States following the death of George Floyd, a section of rioters have targeted so-called liberal media outlets.

It was reported that the CNN Centre in Atlanta was targeted by a violent mob on Friday (29 May) which broke glass panes near its main entrance, entered the building and damaged its interiors. The rioters also defaced the building.

Subsequently the editor of the Raleigh edition of INDY Week newspaper informed on twitter that their office had also been vandalised by a mob. The editor lamented the act while asserting that “we are a progressive newspaper”.

This comment led to many reactions by social media users, who commented that being ‘progressive’ offered no safety net from coming under attack from a mob.

Amid the large scale rioting, US President Donald Trump has announced that the country will be designating far-left group Antifa as a terrorist organisation. Antifa has been suspected of fuelling the rioting in various parts of the country.