Representative image on Mental Health (Picture source: Pixabay)
Representative image on Mental Health (Picture source: Pixabay) 

Varanasi: Free Consultation Helpline To Help People Overcome Covid Anxiety And Other Mental Health Issues


The Varanasi district administration, in collaboration with Deva Mental Healthcare, has started a free consultation service to help people overcome Covid fear and anxiety, as well as deal with other mental health issues.

The helpline which became operational over the weekend, will offer free consultation on all working days.

The consultation service is being provided under the guidance of the senior psychiatrist and director of Deva Mental Healthcare, Venu Gopal Jhawar.

According to Jhawar, while it is normal to feel anxious and stressed during the pandemic, it has also created new barriers for people already suffering from mental illness.

"Many people have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder. A number of adults reported specific negative impacts on their mental health and well-being, such as difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, worsening chronic conditions due to worry and stress over the Corona virus. The situation is worsening as many people are facing situations like job loss," he explained.

He said that the situation which is yet to become normal after March 2020, is making everyone feel the heat and the frontline service providers, in particular, are undergoing intense stress.

This news has been published via a Syndicated feed. Only the headline is changed.