Tarek Fatah
Tarek Fatah 

Watch: Pakistanis Attack, Abuse Tarek Fatah In New York For Lending Support To Sindhi, Baloch Activists

BySwarajya Staff

Noted columnist and author Tarek Fatah was attacked and abused on the streets of New York by pro-Pakistani individuals for lending his support to Baloch and Sindhi activists protesting against atrocities by Pakistan.

Fatah shared a video of the incident which was earlier uploaded by a Pakistani troll:

*Warning Expletive Language*

In the video Fatah can be seen bravely confronting pro-Pakistani protesters in New York while they hurled filthy abuses at him. He is seen accompanied by an activist wearing an “I love Sindhudesh” t-shirt.

Sindhudesh is a name coined by activists fighting for the freedom of Sindh from Pakistan.

As the matter looked like getting out of hand, cops rushed in and led Fatah away from the Pakistanis who also called him an agent of India and a terrorist.

Fatah is a know columnist who has taken various “politically incorrect” positions over Islamists and their supporters.