BJP workers wearing masks of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party President Amit Shah (Mujeeb Faruqui/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
BJP workers wearing masks of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party President Amit Shah (Mujeeb Faruqui/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) 

An Open Letter To The Whining Hindu 

ByAnonymous Contributor

. . .because he doesn’t seem to learn anything from anyone. He has a job and a Twitter handle, and he just vents.


Hope you are feeling a bit better compared to last week. Let me begin by saying that you are pathetic and I have no love left for you. I am writing to tell you that your wallowing in sadness publicly and privately has left me angry and upset.

You have lost balance and indulged in public mourning along with your other weak and irrational friends. It was almost as if you were waiting for this opportunity. It is true that your favourite party lost three elections of major states. So what? You whine almost as if it is the end of the world. Did you work hard on the campaign making enormous personal sacrifices? I don’t think so. You liked a few articles. You picked up fights with a few morons on the other side, not on the street, but on Twitter.

You pay no heed to details such as the vote shares of the close contests and how a few increments of it in a parliamentary elections could mean massively different results. Feeling bad for a loss and what the Congress will do out of its win is a genuine concern, but you have embarked upon this massive whining exercise along with your friends on Twitter. You are retweeting the star whiners and making nonsensical conjectures and extrapolations.

What did you learn from history? I mean that history that you scoured the net painstakingly for; not the textbook ones. What did hand-wringing ever get us? Did you not learn about the disunited Hindus and how the organised Mughals and British took advantage? Oh, that is history, no personal lessons need be drawn, is it?

If not history, what did you learn from the intellectual descendants of the British and Mughals - the left-liberal intelligentsia. They celebrated every student-union and bye-election win and made it big. The made heroes out of tiny rascals. They waited, they plotted, they organised, they re-built, they never showed weakness. Again, they-never-showed-weakness.

If this is your attitude and that is their attitude, then you deserve to be ruled by them. Only reasonable! You never seem to learn anything from anyone. You have your job and a Twitter handle and you just vent.

You have a new dislike for the “IT Cell”. Did you not realise that it is the party’s propaganda handle? Of course they will wish “Happy Birthday” to the party president. It is their job to put out gaffes of Rahul Gandhi. But you thought they were intellectuals like Sita Ram Goel or Ram Swarup. Let me break it to you: You were a fool to think that. They will continue their anodynes. It is not their fault.

Since your own leaders know that you are a weak whiner they take you for a ride. Do you not realise that the very fact that they are taking up all Hindu issues close to the elections means they care only for your vote that you will whine and cast anyway. Don't you think if they were ideologically motivated they would have dealt with Ram Temple, Civil Code or at-least syllabus correction as the first things in June 2014. You allowed them to fool you. They milked the “fight for democracy during emergency” story enough. Look at what Trump did in the last two years! (Jeez, writing this letter has made me a whiner like you.)

Look, let me tell you about the real world. For that you have to take that frown off your whiny forehead first. You have Modi and you have Rahul for the next battle. If Rahul wins, the colonial ideology wins and the darbari intelligentsia will rule; not Rahul. They will plunder India yet again.

If Modi wins again, Modi will rule again. Not the ideologues, not the well-meaning young patriots, not the ministers, just he and his average assistants in the PMO. He is incorruptible. He will do a few good things and amplify it a million times. At least he will perpetuate the truly secular “jan kalyan” schemes - cylinder, bulbs, good roads, an occasional path-breaker like the Bankruptcy Code etc.

But you know what, your poor Hindu sister in the far off small town that does her pooja, the one that does not have a Twitter handle or the luxury to whine, at least in her mind, will think that a Hindu is in charge. She and her husband and her crowd kept Hinduism alive for so long, so very long for the activists to fight her cause later. You owe it to her at least that small satisfaction.

So I am asking you for a huge sacrifice. Stop cribbing. Let me make it easier for you. I am sure you are meeting with family and friends for the Christmas break. Do the kumbaya. Huddle together and whine as much as you want. But come New Year you will straighten up. You will shut out the negativity. You will stay united. You will not show weakness. You will not allow doubts to take charge of you. And you will fight. I implore you.

A hundred and odd years ago, our ideological fountainhead, Lokamanya Tilak got released from Mandalay prison after six years. He gets out and gets started saying, “Punah Hari Om”. You belong to that tradition. But that man was made of sterner stuff!

Take care, be good and grow a spine. May the Parashakti be on your side in 2019.

Another Mama ji

PS: I don't want your retweet. Just read and think. That’s enough.