Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Bhoomi Pujan of Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Bhoomi Pujan of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. 

Reawakening Of Pagan India And The Challenge It Can Pose To Abrahamic Worldviews: Part II

ByGeorge Thundiparambil

The Hindu pagans turned the tide, learnt the trick of the trade from the ‘people of the book’ and excelled in it.

Bad press, yes, but nobody could ignore the sheer might of the pagan unity.

Read the first part of the article here.

Reality Of The Hindus In India

Hindus are the last polytheistic pagans that remain on earth, and the story of their survival so far has not received the attention it deserves in academia.

There is a tendency in all West-centric academics in general and social anthropologists and historians in particular to overlook Hinduism as a religion on equal terms with the Abrahamic religions.

Most often, Hindus are ‘invisible’ to them in religious discourse, and if they do appear at all, they are treated as a group without religion apart from the ancient pagan. This means Hindus are denied the consideration or treatment by scholars and statesmen worldwide as endangered kafirs and pagans, who are virtually sitting ducks for the predatory guns of Islamists and professional Christians.

By virtue of their doctrines, Hindus are the pagans and kafirs inevitably caught in the scriptural crosshairs.

However, this fact is neither acknowledged nor recognised by leading academic institutions and international bodies such as the United Nations (UN). And, of course, there is probably more than one reason for it.

The ambiguity the term ‘pagan’ brings has a corresponding element in the realm of thought.

In a curious case, a German lady living in India, Maria Wirth, had recently submitted a petition to the Indian Prime Minister to push the UN for a ban on the “dehumanisation of Hindus by the Christians and Muslims by calling them heathen and kafir”.

That these terms are still derogatory for her reflect the basic Abrahamic prejudice embedded in these terms.

Though Wirth is not only empathetic to the Hindu cause but also subscribes to the Hindu pagan way of life and philosophy, her plea demonstrates what afflicts most statesmen and academics all over the world who profess to be ex-Christian, ex-Muslim and atheists.

In contrast to Wirth, the latter carry the prejudice not against the term but against actual pagan culture.

Anybody who is baptised or circumcised as a child and inculcated in the Abrahamic worldview with Western or Islamic education carries an unconscious prejudice against the polytheistic, idol-worshipping pagan, even if this person grows up to wilfully reject her traditional ‘faith’.

Thanks to the modern memory-erasing model of education, especially in humanities, the erstwhile pagan cannot be discerned in flesh and blood clearly anymore. For Wirth, who appreciates the Hindu cultural refinement and philosophy, describing Hindus as pagans is a gross insult.

However, for the delusional ‘people of the book’ who are consistently striving to shape the earth according to the biblical model, Hindu pagans and kafirs are a reality that must be either annihilated or conquered. And they are fervently working towards it. And the information infrastructure of the whole world has been geared towards it.

It is widely proclaimed by all and sundry that Hinduism is a culture and a way of life. This is true and we see in it a cross-section of all the vanished pagan cultures and religions that prevailed all over the earth.

The most sublime philosophies the human intellect has ever produced and the most colourful and wonderful art and cultural festivals of the human species survive in Hinduism today.

How the Hindus survived into the twenty-first century against the background of the worldwide Abrahamic witch-hunt against the pagan for roughly two millennia is a story that defies reason and deserves a serious study by competent academicians, who are genuinely free of bias.

After surviving more than a millennium of bloody invasions and colonisation by the Islamists and the Christians in various regions of the Indian subcontinent, the Hindus snatched their independence from Britain in 1947.

But the terms of freedom granted by the colonial power and accepted by their Indian counterparts compromised the pagan culture and civilisation. Western-educated Hindus were handed over the reins of the new republic.

This elite minority were also called “brown sahibs” and comprised the natives who had imbibed the liberal Western Christian culture without ever having to undergo baptism.

The Muslims demanded the partition of the new country as they could not live alongside a kafir majority with equal laws, and the country was divided into India and Pakistan.

Under such circumstances, logically, one part of the two, India or Bharat, belonged to the Hindus. But to the detriment of the pagans, at the behest of their British handlers, the brown sahibs created the most paradoxical conditions and laws in the new republic to favour and encourage the growth of Christianity and Islam.

The fathers of the new nation executed this deceit by providing the monotheist tribalists extraordinary privileges that were denied to the polytheist pagans belonging to various related cultures.

The new educationists and policy-makers decided that the progeny of the majority pagans do not need to study their own culture and traditions.

People with Western or Leftist mentality were given a free hand to write school textbooks that favoured the ‘people of the book’.

Many of the major Hindu temples were taken over by state governments virtually all over the country. And for the first time in human history, a majority of the people in a democracy were denied the right to impart their own cultural and religious studies to their progeny in any organised manner for the obvious and singular reason that they were pagans and kafirs. As if the majority Indians had absolutely no rights over their own culture and traditions.

As designed by the colonial architects of the Republic of India, this political setup and constitutional alignment envisioned a gradual annihilation of the pagan cultures in India by conversion to Islam and Christianity, just like it happened almost everywhere else on this planet.

Constitutional provisions opened the doors for Christianity and Islam to have a field day through evangelisation. They were once again given a free hand along with adequate resources to depaganise the last pagan land and its people. This subterfuge was executed in a politically correct manner.

Taking advantage of the situation in the newly independent Indian republic, Islamic and Christian institutions fattened themselves like the proverbial biblical lamb on taxpayers’ money in addition to foreign funds, increasing not only the number of churches, mosques and their congregations in India, but also displaying an extraordinary acumen in the amassing of real estate and wealth as well as monopolising the social welfare and education sector.

The Hindu pagans, who could be accused of anything but petty tribal mentality, were ill-equipped culturally to distinguish the human species beyond their categories determined by geography, ethnicity, language and occupation.

Their all-encompassing worldview that had evolved from the collective experience of the species failed to recognise or account for the tribalistic theological assertion that the human species have only one single exclusive spiritual dimension proposed by them, a realm where superstition superseded experience and knowledge.

Until the end of the nineteenth century, despite the continuous onslaught against them, Hindus did not unite themselves against the tribalists who forcefully peddled very exclusive faiths.

While the majority of the Japanese and the Chinese resisted the ‘people of the book’ at the beginning through bans and violent means, their cultural sensibilities succumbed to Abrahamic ideas and the innate pagan elements in their cultures were in essence supplanted by Western material (socio-economic) concepts such as capitalism and communism.

The free democracy of Japan allowed some pagan elements to survive, competing against the modern Western sensibility made malleable by adding the principles of European ‘enlightenment’.

However, for a once great nation, China totally succumbed to the Abrahamic tradition. Pagan religious practices are marked for persecution by including them in the List of the Xie Jiao.

Though the expression xie jiao (heterodox teachings) came into circulation in the Ming era to combat superstition, it became a tool for the communists to persecute any practice that challenged the communist party ideology.

All the same, their main target was Yiguandao, a syncretic religion that attempted to resurrect the pagan religions that existed in ancient China. Yiguandao grew out of a popular religious tradition in late-Imperial China that worshiped the Ancient Mother, and many of its ideas are incorporated into the core teachings of Yiguandao.

In 1995, in a case of perplexing logic, the list of xie jiao was expanded to designate religious groups that do not follow the five officially sanctioned religions in China: Christianity (the three-self church of Protestantism and Catholicism), Buddhism, Daoism, and Islam, as heretics.

Spiritual ideas that challenge these five religions are liable for punishment in China. We may conclude that communism destroyed the original mindscape of the Chinese almost entirely and remodelled itself as an illegitimate child of Abraham, which thereby missed out the lord god.

The Buddhism that survives in China, in contrast to Tibetan Buddhism, lacks the original pagan quality so much so that one understands why the Catholic church made Buddha a saint (St Josephat) a long time ago.

In modern times, many Christians attempt to strike a rapport with Buddhism or even merge it with Christianity, some even claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was actually a member of a Buddhist sect and so on. But when it comes to Hindu spirituality, the communists get their knickers in a twist.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) propaganda mouthpiece, Global Times, featured three articles on 15 June 2020 trashing Indian spirituality and Indian gurus. This tendency is aped by the Indian communists, especially in Kerala.

Due to reasons still unknown or unsubstantiated so far, the more or less passive and humane resistance, intermingled with sporadic offence that the pagans in India employed to withstand the Abrahamic spiritual mandate and accompanying insane zeal, was effective.

This stands in contrast to what happened in most other nations and cultures where conversions to Islam and Christianity were so swift and frequent as to outnumber the pagans at the end of the twentieth century.

India’s was a miraculous feat considering the several centuries and generations of elaborate offensive unleashed by the ‘people of the book’ to convert the Hindu pagans.

There is a small library out there that attests to the persistent endeavours of Islamic invaders and untiring Christian missionaries to convert India through nearly 1,000 years.

This continued, backed by enormous funding through West Asian petrodollars (for mosque planting and doctrinal inculcation of juveniles), on the one hand, and church tax collections in Western Europe and the enormous donations from US Bible thumpers (for conversions) on the other.

But the enemies of the pagans continued to do what they did best — fretting and plotting, wringing hands and gnashing their teeth while engaged in the expansion of their Abrahamic empire on Earth.

Awakening Of The Hindu Pagan

The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century saw the rise of many Hindu intellectuals and spiritual leaders such as Swami Vivekananda, Dayananda Sarasvati, Aurobindo Ghosh and Sree Narayana Guru, to name just a well-known few.

They laid the foundation for the unity and preservation of the varied Hindu spiritual streams as a single religio-cultural group.

All these unorganised endeavours by individuals to establish a single epistemological foundation for a common religious worldview for all the Hindu cultures were based on the Vedas and the Vedanta philosophy that was given tangible support by the early medieval philosopher, Adi Sankara, and supplemented by later philosophers.

The revived intellectual activity of the Hindus was accompanied by the physical establishment of the Hindu Mahasabha (grand council of Hindus) in 1915 and later by the creation of the cultural organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS, or national volunteers corps) in 1925.

For Hindu pagans all over the globe, this was a milestone in the defence of their culture against the combined attack of institutionalised tribalism that characterise the core of Christianity and Islam.

This was followed by the birth of the political wing of the Hindus, named the Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1951 which later became the Bharatiya Janata Party on 6 April 1980.

Until that time, the disorganised Hindus, both rich and poor, withstood the united tribal forces of the internationally backed Christian and Islamic offenders on many fronts by sheer grit, instinctual resistance and immense material and physical sacrifice.

We have to deduce that these pagan institutions and their leaders did a fine job, because at the end of the twentieth century, two intellectual giants, Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel, came into the limelight with the Voice of India publishing house and their incisive essays.

Goel, who was swayed by Marxism in his youth, returned to the pagan fold and along with his mentor Ram Swarup began to provide intellectually fresh ideas that demonstrated the fundamental beliefs and faith claims of the tribalists to have actually no locus standi in reality.

In fact, as opposed to their claims, their doctrines and practices were detrimental to the well-being of the species and a life-sustaining ecosystem.

In due course the consistent and patient work done by the RSS paid off. There arose a line of political and cultural leaders committed to the singular Hindu civilisation that embraced varied pagan cultures which had survived over several millennia, outliving all hostile social and cultural conditions.

The rise of Hindutva ideology (Hindutva literally means the essence of the Hindu and stands for the political assertion of Hindu values) and the Sangh Parivar-backed Narendra Modi in Indian polity were clear signs that the pagans were reviving.

The Abrahamic monitoring agencies (NGOs propelled by foreign funds) put in place all over India by the combined might of the ‘people of the book’, sounded the alarm bells. Supported by the liberal bleeding-hearts crowd, they attacked Modi right from the start, well before he became a national figure.

A major contribution towards blackening the image of rising Hindus was made by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an advisory body to the US Congress, which is actually a Christian club formed to facilitate conversion of pagans and other unaffiliated sections of the species everywhere on the planet.

The annual reports of this sectarian agency have permanently reserved a major section for diatribes against the Hindus and clubbed them together with authoritarian communist regimes such as those in China and North Korea as well as super-fanatic Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, where human rights violations are perennial and a daily affair.

The NGOs in India, funded by ‘people of the book’, have many stooges with Hindu names planted in the media. Their trained voices became a vociferous cacophony that seemingly sounded like the voices of millions when they actually represented only a few bedraggled individuals behind the racket.

A very powerful campaign inside and outside India by these proxies in 2005 saw Modi becoming the only person ever to be banned for travel to the United States of America under the International Freedom Act provision of the US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

However, nine years later, Modi visited the US as the proud Prime Minister of India. And nobody was able to stop him, despite the opposition of the combined might of the grand Abrahamic alliance on the planet. Modi and the Hindu pagans had come a long way and had done the impossible.

They turned the tide, pulled the carpet from beneath the feet of the tribalists, who came from different directions.

Seeing that the old tactic of approaching the pagans with wily terms such as “love” and “peace” and then disarming them was not working any more, the pagans were branded as “right-wing extremists” and “fascists” by a biased national and international press. But the pagans learnt the trick of the trade from the ‘people of the book’ and excelled in it. Bad press, yes, but nobody could ignore the sheer might of the pagan unity.

When Modi became the chief minister of Gujarat, he was greeted by his enemies in his own land with the cold-blooded murder of 58 Hindu pilgrims, most of them women and children, by Muslims in Godhra on 27 February 2002.

Enraged by this horrific act, Hindu mobs rose against the Muslims and, in a reprisal that lasted three days, killed nearly 800 of them. Trying to control the irate crowds, more than 200 policemen also lost their lives. But the thousand-year-old Hindu-Muslim riots in Gujarat came to an abrupt end.

Modi was elected three times as chief minister in the same state and then he entered the national scene by becoming the Prime Minister of India in 2014, uprooting the opposition in a show of Hindu unity that melted away the caste stigma that was used hitherto as a stick to beat the pagans with.

In 2019, despite full-throated pressure from the global anti-pagan alliance, Modi and the BJP did the unthinkable for the global Abrahamic alliance by winning the national elections for the second time – and with greater numbers. This forced the enemies who played the secular card to sit back and accept the Hindu pagans grudgingly.

The need for Hindu India by the outside world was apparently more than what Hindu India needed from the outside world. And all the world leaders posed with Modi for photo ops in recent years.