NDA  Vice President Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu (Raj K Raj/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
NDA Vice President Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu (Raj K Raj/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) 

Vice President Reflects On India’s MODI– Moment Of Declared Independence

ByAshwin S Kumar

LEAKED: Independence Day speech draft of Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu. In what is bound to be a sure-shot explosive leak, Ashwin S Kumar obtained exclusive access to the speech. Reproduced verbatim.

Adharniya Rashtrapati ji, Adharniya Pradhan Mantri ji and to all the other dignitaries and signatories, I offer my pleasantries!

My heartfelt greetings to all my dear friends, brothers and sisters!

On this very day, in 1947, our India got its MODI – not our Pradhan Mantri, but its “Moment Of Declared Independence.”

Thanks to our leaders’ wisdom, we got our freedom and were no longer a British kingdom!

On this day, we fondly remember our Mahatma, the one and only GANDHI, who was a “Great, Affectionate, Noble, Dear, Humanitarian Indian”

We also remember the millions of people who made the supreme sacrifice for the nation.

So many of us today are in full attendance, to salute those due to whom we are no longer British dependents!

We have come a long way in these 70 years, my dear countrymen and women, but there is a much longer way to go!

Our nation is facing so many challenges,
but thankfully, we have the willpower,
firepower and manpower
to empower!

We have so much aptitude and fortitude
but we need to have a good attitude
at every latitude and longitude!
Only then we’ll reach high altitude
and our children will then be filled with gratitude!

We should swear by our national emblem to solve every problem!

It is up to each one of us to nurture
every feature
of our nature
for a good future
before our departure!

There must be every indication
of good dedication
to developing good medication
for disease eradication!
Only then we can celebrate with vindication!

Technology is something our youth should leverage!
On an average, they should daily increase its coverage,
instead of wasting time on alcoholic beverage
and puking on sewerage!

My dear friends, even today, our country sees so many cases of crimes against the girl child.

I wish to tell all families of today, that GIRL means “Gives Infinite Real Love”, and they should be celebrated and liberated, not deliberately calibrated!

My dear brothers and sisters!

Today, we see that there is more and more revision,
by the forces of the division!
Breaking our country’s vision
is what they envision!

I appeal to everyone, to please hold your horses
and not yield to such forces
which deserves the strongest of curses!

I appeal to every community,
to have immunity,
against such anti-unity!

Our strength as a nation comes from communal harmony!
It is something that should be celebrated in every ceremony and should never make way for any acrimony!

After all, what is NATION? It means “Naturally Adhering Towns In One Name.”

On any date,
there should be no hate,
in any state!
That is what will keep our country great!

Friends, the greatest obstacle that prevents our nation from becoming a spectacle is a seven letter word called POVERTY — it is still a Persistently Ongoing Very Extreme and Real Trouble for Youth!

To food, water and other basic necessities,
each and everyone must have easy access!
Only that will be our success.
So let us not indulge in excess!

A heart filled with charity
and clarity
can overcome any disparity
and make it a rarity!

We should continuously deduce
and thereafter induce
mechanisms to improve our farmers produce
so that their troubles can reduce.

My dear friends, there should always be an eruption
against any corruption.
Nothing else will serve as interruption!

Friends, we, unfortunately, have a rogue neighbour,
which provides terrorists with a safe harbour!
And uses them as labour!

But the world has noticed the fallacy
in their policy!
Their days are numbered
and soon, they will not even be fondly remembered!

Yet, I share the pride of all you one billion souls in saying that our country has always been resourceful, graceful, above all, peaceful and never forceful!

There is another neighbour which makes products that are deficient.
We have to continuously prove that we are more efficient,
just being proficient
is no longer sufficient!

Many important issues I have tried to include,
in this speech which I am now going to conclude!
But that doesn’t mean I preclude,
the need to address issues which I did exclude!

Finally, my dear brothers and sisters, I just have one thing to say – JAIHIND !!! – “Join all Indian Hands for Integrated National Development !!!”

Bharat Mata ki Jai !!!

Vande Mataram !!!

Thank you!

Disclaimer: The above speech is a work of fiction, with hopefully good depiction and shouldn’t lead to any friction!