Ladeeda Sakhaloon - centre, Ayesha Renna - right (Pic via Twitter)
Ladeeda Sakhaloon - centre, Ayesha Renna - right (Pic via Twitter) 
News Brief

‘Learn About Our Jihad’: Meet Jamia Milia’s Radical Islamic Girls Who Were Hailed As ‘Sheroes’ By The Media

BySwarajya Staff

In the last few days, a large section of the media and intellectual establishment has gone out of its way to project violent Jamia protesters as victims of police brutality and to give a human face to a protest with Islamic and Hinduphobic undertones.

One such media narrative which was reported by prominent journalists and media outlets, praised a few girl students of Jamia for coming to the aid of their male friends while they were being allegedly “targeted” by Delhi police personnel.

The girls gained prominence after the first and fourth image shared by Dutt went viral on social media. The first one purportedly shows them shielding their friends from police lathicharge and the second one draws parallels with the infamous “Arab Spring”.

The girls were hailed as “sheroes” (a woke synonym of heroes) and praised for their courage to stand up against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

Identity Of The ‘Sheroes’

Barkha Dutt revealed the identity of the two girls as Ladeeda Farzana and Ayesha Renna. This has been disputed by other media reports which identity Farzana as Ladeeda Sakhaloon.

Renna who hails from Kerala’s Malappuram is a second year MA History student and Sakhaloon is a first year BA Arabic student. She hails from Kerala’s Kannur.

The media coverage also includes soundbytes from the duo who speak about the need to protest and how they have been taught to resist injustice by their parents.

Radical Views Of The ‘Sheroes’

While a section of the media was busy glorifying the girl students, some social media users took it upon themselves to investigate them and their political, religious views. The results were disturbing.

After going through the Facebook profile of Renna, one finds that she had condemned the hanging of terrorist Yakub Memon and called India a “fascist country” for executing the terrorist.

Ayesha Renna lamenting the hanging of Yakub Memon (Screenshot via Twitter)

Incidentally, Renna is married to an individual named Afsal Rahman CA who has supported terrorist Afzal Guru on multiple occasions by positing messages like, “remembering Afzal Guru” and “struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”.

When one turns to the Facebook profile of Sakhaloon, one finds even more radical views.

In a Facebook post on 14 December Sakhaloon criticised liberals for asking her ilk to refrain from chanting slogans like “Allahu Akbar” and stressed that she has abandoned “secular slogans” long back.

In subsequent post, Sakhaloon writes that “La ilaha illallah Muhammadu rasoolullah.
This is our slogan. This will be our slogan”.

In a post on 11 December Sakhalaoon, glorifies the early Islamic victories at Badr, Uhd, Karbala against ‘Kafirs’ and urges her opponents to learn about their jihad.

She can also be seen glorifying Hijab while sharing pictures which depict a Hijab clad girl holding an assault rifle and Burkha clad women pelting stones.

The anti-CAA protest has now extended to Delhi’s Seelampur where a large mob has been clicked rioting and pelting stones.