
WHO-Dunnit? How Common Sense Was Cancelled By Greedy Science In Dealing With Covid

  • In the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak, traditional knowledge systems and millennia-old medical know-how became unscientific overnight, and then got cancelled completely or was relegated to the peripheries of primary health care all around the world.

George ThundiparambilFeb 03, 2022, 05:56 PM | Updated 06:48 PM IST
Representative image (Flickr)

Representative image (Flickr)

Among other things, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has demonstrated that it is the Western colonial dispensation that still rules the roost on the planet, with or without colonies. The new kind of imperial warriors do not fly banners of the Military Order of Santiago when they embark for foreign nations, but they step out of corporate jets in business suits and make deals with agents of foreign governments and dictate terms to the so-called medical experts in each country. These so-called experts execute the corporate mandates.

Against the backdrop of a viral pandemic, the whole world seems to have come under the grip of a demon, but, for all practical purposes, we have come only under the thumb of the so-called medical experts who occupy high positions in West-dominated international establishments and their associated and affiliated institutions to which all the nations in the world are bound by signatures. These experts were primarily responsible for shutting down the whole world occupationally, financially and socially for a good part of the last two years.

Institutions such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) determine how people and children of the world should behave socially and medically in their respective countries in the face of a pandemic, which they themselves realised with great skills of prophecy and rehearsals.

As a result, a handful of people propelled by scientific funding in a few countries have transformed overnight into the sole custodians of good health of the entire human species! These eminent offices at the helm of affairs also have a history of having financial links with big pharmaceutical corporations, and so does the WHO of not disclosing any such links.

Various national and regional institutions chained to the inner wheels of modern medical business, like ICMR and IMA in India, are unwittingly held hostage to the international institutions and the modern Western medical system, whose basis they imply as “science”, thus implying that everything old and traditional is pseudo-scientific.

In this way, ethnic knowledge systems and millennia-old medical know-how become unscientific overnight, get unhinged from their roots and then cancelled completely or relegated in parts to the peripheries of primary health care all around the world. Elected as well as unelected leaders of nations play the role of commission agents at best in this monopoly game played worldwide with pharma companies at the helm.

Theories are not science but a bunch of unproven hypotheses. The WHO clinical guidelines, created to facilitate the implementation of an experimental vaccination programme worldwide, have proven to be an utter failure if we care to follow the already published data in the mainstream media on the number of infections and deaths in the last two years. The statistical evidence cited in favour of vaccines nearly turns into non-science when you notice these data are cherrypicked and do not cover prevention of infection or transmission.

It is anybody’s guess why WHO, or the respective national governments, not only do not acknowledge the natural immunity in those who have recovered from Covid but discourage or fully ignore any study related to it while continuing to advocate the administration of experimental vaccines to entire populations. A teenager with an average analytical mind has enough data to see that the so-called vaccines have demonstrably failed to stave off the infection or from passing on the virus to a third person. For the moment we can ignore the number of those killed by the vaccine alone or in combination with the infection.

But, as we enter 2022, the vaccination rollout is still promoted by WHO and accepted by national agencies with bent backs and folded arms. Against all clear data, governments are colluding with greedy peddlers to go ahead and jab our children as well as give third and fourth doses of the ineffective and perhaps even harmful vaccine to the elderly. Even if we believe the industry’s figures of those saved from death by experimental vaccines, especially the new-fangled mRNA type, it escapes reason why they shouldn’t be sold like any other medicine to those who want it and not just shove them down the throats of those who don’t want them.

We also saw numerous renowned experts in their fields – virologists, microbiologists and veteran general physicians among them – become pariahs overnight and “cancelled” from public spaces with the connivance of social media giants after the former refused to take the official line of WHO.

Or is Western medicine really the ultimate healing magic that we human beings can ever aspire for? Are those who criticise the experimental genetic drugs either conspiracy theorists or just lesser humanity who have no grip on reality?

Is the human species really a sitting duck for the deadly Covid-19 virus and its variants without these experimental vaccines?

Erroneous philosophy of modern medicine

The modern Western medical system is a product of Christian imperial culture. It is based on the false premise that humans were created out of dust and can be manipulated like machines.

Though Hippocrates is evoked in a charade, the modern Western medicine that we see in practice is quite young and is all about war and greed, because the Christian domination of European life had already seen an end to traditional knowledge in all spheres in that part of the world.

If we look closer, one sees not conspiracy but naked greed that manifested itself in the colonial enterprise in every nook and corner of the world.

The material and intellectual loot flowed to Europe, initiating the industrial revolution and technological advances which expanded the interventionist faculty in healthcare. Despite the faulty foundations of the new system that viewed human beings as witless creatures of a limiting god, the human enterprise flourished.

The colonial voyages into unknown territories were free exchanges of microorganisms amidst naked aggression. The violence that ensued called for more medicine to address the resultant physical disrepair. The carnage of the Boer wars and then the first World War laid the foundations of modern medicine. The subsequent wars waged in in Europe and elsewhere increased the scope of the budding new medicine which treated human beings like engines that can be repaired part by part.

While acknowledging modern medicine’s value in saving lives on the battlefront or in accidents on motorways and in hazardous industrial conditions and ailments of the modern age, where physical injuries and lifestyle diseases are the norm, and despite the cleanroom technologies, modern medicine can probably serve less than 5 percent of the requirements of human health care (according to a very experienced cardiologist, Dr BM Hegde) under normal circumstances.

For his advocacy of alternative medical systems like homoeopathy and Ayurveda for general medical conditions, Dr Hegde is branded as pseudo-scientific by proponents of allopathy, despite his sterling accomplishments in the modern medical world. He is an MD, an FRCP, an FAMS and an FACC. He knows what he is talking about.

Due to the basic fault in the purely materialistic and gross perspective of the human being, modern medicine promotes and fosters lifestyle diseases. Many insiders. who were shocked by corporate interests and influence in modern medicine which exploited the ignorant. cancelled themselves from the public sphere by speaking the truth. Thus, they automatically disqualified themselves in the race for lucrative funding, awards and grants.

There are enough studies by many brilliant scientists and physicians that highlight the ill-effects of modern medicine that greatly outweigh their benefits. The people who have exposed the shortcomings of modern medicine are themselves stalwarts of modern medicine, but they can afford to be loyal to their own conscience and independent enquiry only at the cost of their careers and reputation in the face of corporate might. Such is the power and influence of Big Pharma!

Big Pharma, the big bosses

Any result contrary to the official line, such as the divulgence by the UK Health Security Agency in its Week 42 “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report”, that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination” (p. 23), is immediately met with the “fact-check” arm in the media to neutralise stirrings in the social media.

To counter the UK’s surveillance report, Reuters presents Prof Tim Spector, head of genetic epidemiology at King’s College, London, and lead scientist on the Zoe Covid Study, who tries his best to neutralise the contrary evidence against the vaccinations. "Although natural immunity gives broader protection against the virus, it’s not necessarily better,” says Spector.

Of course, Spector being a genetic scientist seems to have scant respect for natural genetic immunity as represented by N antibody levels that take cognisance of the molecule inside the COV-2 virus called the nucleocapsid (N) for neutralisation. The experimental vaccines are supposed to develop anti-S antibodies against the spike protein (S). The latest data emerging from different sources evince the total inefficiency of the anti-S antibodies against the spikes of the Omicron variants.

Reuters also ropes in another team of self-styled “experts” called Meedan Health Desk, “a group of public health scientists working to tackle medical misinformation”. They quote study after study by Zoe that show that the experimental vaccines are the newest miracle of modern medicine that has beaten natural immunity at its own game.

But we know better now. A lot of independent data is out. Just scroll through the Internet.

The UK wouldn’t have ended the Covid restrictions if it were a part of the collective EU, which is now in the tight clutches of Big Pharma.

Illness that afflicts human civilisation

The pharma lobby and corporate greed are only symptoms of a deeper malaise in modern civilisation. A culture that belittles its own time-tested traditional knowledge handed down through countless generations displays a lack of wisdom and rational thinking. Europe had lost its traditional values a long time ago to Christianity, which propagates a worldview that treats every living creature that moves on this planet as a potential source of exploitation.

A culture, which treats human beings as machines and exploits every creature that moves, places little or no value on phenomenal life beyond the money it affords. Subscribing to Western values has brought us to viewing the entire life on this planet as a purely material enterprise measured solely by our consumption of objects. A culture that places purely material value on healing is a sick culture.

Western health models are financial models that we can evidence from the corporate objectives of the pharma companies. Every human illness is a unique business model for them. These businessmen did not grow in a void. They are the most advanced cancerous cells in the diseased collective human organism.

The blame lies in their basic worldview, which is the prime cause. We cannot expect more than this from the imperial dispensation that has been hounding this planet ever since Abrahamic ideas took root around 2000 years ago.

The tragedy of the human enterprise lies not in the erroneous Western worldview, but silent acquiescence in the same by India and China, two ancient civilisations that possess traditional knowledge rooted in a real and organically healthy worldview that also considers our environment. Kowtowing to the Western medical business model by these ancient civilisations without adequate questioning shows the downward slide of cultural pride and even the loss of inner certitude and self-respect.

By bowing down to ignorance and lack of wisdom, the Indian and Chinese leadership are also betraying the whole of humanity and committing cultural suicide by belittling and downgrading their remaining traditional assets for a vigorously promoted non-science.

Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), among others, such as Unani (Greco-Arab), are systems of holistic healing that provide immense relief for general ailments of the human species. They have umpteen time-tested, proven methods and medicines to combat viral infections among many other types of diseases. One can also see a resurgence in Europe of traditional knowledge systems that were once stolen, suppressed or buried by Abrahamic civilisation.

Bringing sanity to an ailing mind

There are already scholarly papers out there blaming “neo-liberal capitalism” (exploitation of natural resources with no consideration for the environment) for the Covid-2 pandemic. It is in a way true, if not in the sense intended by its authors.

However, neo-liberal Indian capitalism as well as Chinese Communism share the same worldview: treating the planet as an inert resource and anything that moves on it as an object of exploitation. This is a clear departure from their civilisational ethos and a great fall for these two ancient cultures.

In the matter of experimental vaccines, the bleeding hearts group of “left liberals”, as represented by the Western media and Western academia, have so far towed the official line, betraying their true affiliations. They colluded with the pharma lobby when it came to cancelling renegade experts who differed from the official vaccine rollout.

This group, which is usually always vocal when it comes to corporate crime and punishment, did display their true loyalties and affinity with the Western medical model. But their stand is a typical Western strategy that is as old as Christian civilisation, the hallmarks of which are hypocrisy and double dealing.

The clarification of the government of India in the Supreme Court that vaccination is not mandatory is highly welcome. It is in sharp contrast to the leading European nations like Austria, Germany and France which have decided in favour of curtailing human rights for the sake of an experimental vaccine and bogus science.

However, for a country like India, towing the same immature and incompetent clinical guidelines cast by WHO is a terrible shame. Instead of locking down poor people and getting into a meaningless race for the experimental vaccine, the government of India could have created and demonstrated a cheap cure as a healing model integrating all the potent systems of medicine at its disposal.

By aping the West, India and China are blindly marching into the deadly abyss that the Western mis-civilisation has created for humanity. No doubt there will be more viruses and other pests afflicting the human species in the future, but it won’t be the vaccine rollout that will save us any time – today or in the future.

It is the ever-evolving awareness of the composite human organism that will conquer these microorganisms. We already have the know-how passed on genetically by our ancestors. But we must change our worldview and attitude collectively.

If you cannot see still, you will have to unlearn what you have learnt and then start learning again from scratch.

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