
Does Sanatana Dharma Call All Women Prostitutes, As MP Thirumavalavan Claims?

  • What distinguishes Sanatana Dharma is that it not only contains emancipating verses against the abuse and belittling of women, but out of all the major religions, it is in Hindu Dharma alone wherw we have verses which glorify the independent and fierce nature of women.

Aravindan NeelakandanOct 24, 2020, 01:43 PM | Updated 01:43 PM IST
Thol Thirumavalavan, leader of Indu Makkal Katchi.

Thol Thirumavalavan, leader of Indu Makkal Katchi.

Thol. Thirumavalavan, PhD, is the Member of Parliament from Chidambaram constituency and part of the United Progressive Alliance in Tamil Nadu. He is the leader of Viduthalai Chiruthaikal Katchi (Liberation Panthers Party, VCK).

In January 2019, he conducted a conference declaring he would 'destroy' Sanatana Dharma. The conference was attended by representatives from Congress, CPI and CPI(M), along with Muslim communal parties.

Since then, Thirumavalavan has been spearheading a hate campaign often resorting to cheap and vulgar attacks on Hinduism.

His claim:According to Sanatana Dharma, all women are created as prostitutes

Recently, in an online video published by ‘Periyar TV’, Thirumavalavan has again made disparaging remarks against Hindu Dharma.

In the video that went viral, he had said this:

How does one justify such views of women in the Manusmriti?

One does not. Such views were common in pre-modern days of patriarchy in all cultures.

In Manu itself, there are verses which strictly warn against the abuse of women — including psychological abuse like this one:

Manu speaks against widow remarriage; frowns upon leviratic union and yet provides legal dimensions of inheritance of leviratic union. So how does one reconcile these aspects of Manu?

Unfortunately, on both sides of the divide, there are people who take the verses literally.

While in the Hindu side, the literalists of Smritis are more a fringe than mainstream, in the case of most components of the UPA — in whose alliance VCK and DMK are members — the mainstream tendency is to demonise Hindu Dharma with such rotten-cherry picked verses.

So goes an old saying. Those who want to imitate an early episode in Dr. Ambedkar’s life of burning of Manu Smriti should also, like him, have the ability to go through the very same Smritis to show the space for egalitarian human progress in them.

Even Dr. Ambedkar, when considering the patriarchal biases in Manu as reason for the downfall of women, was careful not to essentialise the entire Sanatana Dharma. Rather, he pointed to the high place Vedic society had accorded women. In the very paper condemning Manu, he substantially highlighted this aspect:

One should note here that Dr. Ambedkar puts Manu in correct perspective. The British Privy Council, intentionally to justify its 'civilising' mission, allowed every sort of social stagnation to prevail, while not allowing us to study properly laws as laid down by our Rishis and our Smritikars.

As every child knows, Sanatana Dharma predicates itself on Srutis, Vedas and not on Smritis.

To essentialise Sanatana Dharma based on culled-out Smriti verses is nothing but pathological mischief done with malicious intent.

Buddha, Thomas Aquinas and Women

The pathological perversion exhibited by Thol. Thirumavalavan has been already diagnosed by historian and author Sitaram Goel as below:

Here, the perversion is even deeper because he promotes Buddhism, even as Buddhism contains equally disparaging passages about women in its canonical texts.

When Ananda wonders why women are not sitting in the courts of justice, Buddha states that, by nature, women are not only deficient in wisdom, but are also behave in an unrestrained way, are greedy and jealous (Aṅguttara Nikāya II.82–83).

In Pali Buddhist literature, Jatajatthavannana women are described as with 'insatiable sexual appetites' (120, I.440).

Another text 'Bodhisattvabhumi' gives as reason — 'all women are by nature full of defilement and of weak intelligence' — to explain why a Bodhisattva would not be born a woman.

While we all associate Zen with novel meditation and Satori transcending all barriers, traditional Zen mostly considered women as naturally gravitating towards blood pool hell unless Zen masters intervene through rituals.

But none demands that these Buddhist literatures be banned , burnt or the idols of the Buddhas be smashed.

Because, we understand that in the larger context, Buddhism is dynamic enough and greater and deeper than these texts. Unless there is an ulterior aim of destroying Buddhism, none will think of essentialising Buddhism with the above elements in its texts.

No serious scholar or politician would dirty cheery pick misogynist statements attributed to Buddha and Thomas Aquinas to demonize Buddhism or Christianity.

Same is the case with Christianity. Thomas Aquinas, arguably the most brilliant of Christian theologians, stated that the inferiority of women is not just because Eve allowed herself to be seduced by the serpent and manipulated Adam into disobedience, but because she was inferior in her very creation.

Though every Christian student of theology has to study Thomas Aquinas to this day, and there may even exist significant number of fringe theologians justifying this inferiority of women through Biblical fundamentalism, no academician or politician would ask a ban on the works of Thomas Aquinas or burn in public his works.

Such juvenile pathological hatred is unfortunately but by design, considered progressive in India.

Creation of Women: Christian Mythology and Hindu Purana — a comparison:

Actually, the Christian theological presentation of the creation myth of Bible, which is fundamental to Christian theology, is not only disparaging towards women, but makes her suffer a guilt baggage.

Creation of Eve in Christian Mythology

Now let us see what Siva Maha Purana has to say about creation of women, as the text deals specifically and elaborately with the subject.

Brahma was dissatisfied with his asexual creation so he meditated upon Siva and praised Him.

The sacred image of Arthanareeswara of Sanatana Dharma as part of sculpture, painting, calendar art, drama and cinema has contributed more to women emancipation than all the so-called progressive movements put together.

Women's emancipation is an important and essential part of the progress of any society.

Those who really contributed to the progress of women in social as well as spiritual domains, from Sarada Devi, Harbilas Sharda, Sister Nivedita, Sister Subbulakshmi, Dr. Muthulakshmi, Swami Sahajananda, Swami Shraddhanand to Mata Amritanandamayi — they have drawn their strength from Sanatana Dharma, Vedic Dharma.

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