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Govt Plans Retail Selling Of 5 Kg LPG Cylinders Through Fair Price Shops

Swarajya StaffOct 28, 2021, 01:09 PM | Updated 01:09 PM IST
LPG cylinders (representative image) (Krish Dulal/Wikimedia Commons)

LPG cylinders (representative image) (Krish Dulal/Wikimedia Commons)

The Central government is reportedly planning to allow the sale of small 5 kg LPG cylinder through the network of 5.32 lakh ration shops, reports Financial Express.

The Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) currently sell these cylinders through their retail outlets.

The move by the government is aimed at effective distribution of the subsidised LPG cylinders to the targeted consumers i.e. poor families.

Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey on Wednesday (27 October) proposed the idea of selling small cylinders through the ration shops during a meeting with the state governments on enhancing the financial viability of fair price shops (FPS). The proposal was supported by the representatives of the OMCs, who were also present in the meeting.

The OMCs assured that they would provide the necessary support for the initiative in coordination with the interested states.

“The decision may help the government to deliver a subsidised cylinder to the very poor families as delivery of it can be authenticated with biometric proof as done in case of foodgrains," an official was quoted in the report as saying.

The official added that the state government too can provide subsidy if the cylinders are sold through the ration shops as it is likely to curb pilferage.

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