
India, US Release 'Comprehensive' Joint Statement On Future Of Bilateral Ties: Six Key Areas In Focus

Swarajya StaffJun 23, 2023, 10:33 AM | Updated 10:31 AM IST
PM Modi with US President Joe Biden

PM Modi with US President Joe Biden

India-US cooperation is anchored in a new level of trust and mutual understanding and will serve as a global good, according to the Joint Statement released after the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden.

"Together, we will build an even stronger, diverse US-India partnership that will advance the aspirations of our people for a bright and prosperous future grounded in respect for human rights, and shared principles of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law," the joint statement said.

The statement, one of the most comprehensive one in the history of bilateral relations between India and the US, highlighted six key areas of focus for the two countries to work together on.

Charting a Technology Partnership for the Future

In the statement, President Biden and Prime Minister Modi affirmed the crucial role of technology in deepening the partnership between the United States and India.

They emphasised the importance of fostering an open, accessible, and secure technology ecosystem based on mutual trust and confidence.

The leaders highlighted significant collaborations in space exploration, including the development of a strategic framework for human spaceflight cooperation and the training of Indian astronauts by NASA.

They also recognised the need for policies and regulations that facilitate technology sharing, co-development, and co-production opportunities between industries, governments, and academic institutions.

Furthermore, they underscored the significance of cooperation in areas such as semiconductors, telecommunications, quantum technology, and AI, and stress the importance of joint research collaborations and funding in emerging technologies.

Finally, the leaders expressed their commitment to advancing scientific infrastructure and expanding partnerships in cutting-edge fields such as biotechnology and biosecurity.

Powering a Next Generation Defense Partnership

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi highlighted the progress made in the US-India Major Defence Partnership.

They emphasised the close coordination between the two militaries across all domains and expressed their commitment to strengthen maritime security cooperation.

The leaders welcomed the Defence Industrial Cooperation Roadmap, which enables co-production of advanced defence systems and address regulatory barriers.

The signing of a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between General Electric and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for the manufacture of GE F-414 jet engines in India was also hailed, along with India's emergence as a hub for maintenance and repair of US Navy assets.

The establishment of the US-India Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) was welcomed, which will facilitate joint defense technology innovation.

The leaders also welcomed India's plans to procure General Atomics MQ-9B HALE UAVs and the establishment of a Comprehensive Global MRO facility in India to support indigenous defence capabilities.

Catalysing the Clean Energy Transition

PM Modi and President Biden also highlighted their shared vision to rapidly deploy clean energy at scale and achieve global climate goals.

They emphasised the US-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership and Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP).

The leaders welcomed joint efforts in energy storage, green hydrogen, offshore and onshore wind, and carbon capture.

They acknowledged investments in solar panel manufacturing, decarbonising transportation, and the creation of a global biofuels alliance.

The leaders committed to innovative investment platforms to accelerate renewable energy projects in India and express support for India's membership in the International Energy Agency (IEA).

They emphasised collaboration on critical minerals supply chains and affirmed the role of nuclear energy in decarbonisation efforts.

Sustainable consumption and production were also recognised as important for sustainable development goals.

Deepening Strategic Convergence

Both leaders emphasised the importance of respecting the rules-based international order and the principles of the UN Charter.

They expressed concern over the conflict in Ukraine and called for efforts to mitigate its consequences and provide humanitarian assistance.

Both countries affirmed their commitment to strengthening and reforming the multilateral system, including comprehensive UN reforms.

President Biden reiterated US support for India’s permanent membership on a reformed UN Security Council (UNSC). 

They highlighted the empowerment of the Quad as a partnership for global good and emphasised cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

The leaders expressed concern over coercive actions and rising tensions, stressing the importance of international law and freedom of navigation.

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reiterated their enduring commitment to a free, open, inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous India-Pacific region with respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, and international law. 

Both leaders expressed concern over coercive actions and rising tensions, and strongly oppose destabilising or unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo by force.

Both sides emphasised the importance of adherence to international law, particularly as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the maintenance of freedom of navigation and overflight, in addressing challenges to the maritime rules-based order, including in the East and South China Seas.

The leaders expressed deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Myanmar, and called for the release of all those arbitrarily detained, the establishment of constructive dialogue, and the transition of Myanmar toward an inclusive federal democratic system.

The leaders also condemned the destabilising ballistic missile launches of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which violate relevant UN Security Council resolutions and pose a grave threat to international peace and security. 

They reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and urged DPRK to comply with its obligations under these resolutions and engage in substantive dialogue. 

The United States and India stand together to counter global terrorism and unequivocally condemn terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations, the statement said.

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reiterated the call for concerted action against all UN-listed terrorist groups including Al-Qa’ida, ISIS/Daesh, Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), and Hizb-ul-Mujhahideen. 

"They strongly condemned cross-border terrorism, the use of terrorist proxies and called on Pakistan to take immediate action to ensure that no territory under its control is used for launching terrorist attacks," the statement said.

They also called for the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai and Pathankot attacks to be brought to justice.

The leaders discussed the situation in Afghanistan, emphasising the need for humanitarian assistance, an inclusive political structure, and respect for human rights.

They also highlighted the importance of strategic partnerships with the I2U2 countries (India, Israel, UAE, and US) and cooperation in cybersecurity and internet governance.

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed their countries’ commitment to an open, secure, inclusive, safe, interoperable, and reliable Internet, and to continuing cooperation on a range of cybersecurity issues, including preventing and responding to cyber threats, promoting cybersecurity education and awareness and measures to build resilient cyber infrastructure, the statement said.

The United States and India reaffirm and embrace their shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens, it added.

 Both countries have a tradition of recognising the diversity represented in their nations and celebrating the contributions of all their citizens, it said.

They reasserted that democracy, freedom, and rule of law are the shared values that anchor global peace and sustainable development, according to the statement.

Propelling Global Growth

As two of the world’s largest democratic economies, the United States and India are indispensable partners in advancing global prosperity and a free, fair, and rules-based economic order, the statement said.

President Biden highlighted the impactful participation of Prime Minister Modi in the G7 Hiroshima Summit and looks forward to the G20 Summit in September in New Delhi.

He applauded India’s leadership in its ongoing G20 Presidency, which has brought renewed focus on strengthening multilateral institutions and international cooperation to tackle global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, fragility and conflict, along with work to accelerate achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and lay the foundation for strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth.
According to the statement, President Biden and Prime Minister Modi are united in their determination to use the G20 to deliver on shared priorities for the G20 Leaders’ Summit, including improving the sovereign debt restructuring process; advancing the multilateral development bank evolution agenda, including mobilising new concessional financing at the World Bank to support all developing countries; and raising the level of ambition on mobilizing private sector investment for quality, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.

They also recognised the potential of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) approaches to foster inclusive development, competitive markets, and individual rights, and expressed their intention to explore a US-India Global Digital Development Partnership for deploying robust DPIs in developing countries.

Strengthening Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) is a shared objective, with emphasis on evolving their vision, incentive structures, operational approaches, and financial capacity to address a wide range of sustainable development goals and trans-boundary challenges.

Recognizing multilateral efforts in this area, the leaders acknowledged the ongoing work under the Indian presidency of the G20 on strengthening MDBs including the report of the G20 Expert Group on Strengthening MDBs. 

"By the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi, the United States and India will work together to secure G20 commitment to create a major new dedicated pool of funds at the World Bank to deploy concessional lending for global challenges, and to enhance support for crisis response in International Development Association recipient countries," the statement said.

The leaders affirmed the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) as a pillar of collaborative efforts to build resilience in supply chains, harness clean energy transformations, and accelerate economic progress through anti-corruption measures and capacity building.

President Biden invited India to attend the APEC Summit in San Francisco in November 2023 as a guest of the host.

They also highlighted the importance of the US-India trade and investment partnership, which has witnessed significant growth, and encourage greater engagement in emerging technologies, clean energy, and pharmaceuticals.

"Underscoring the willingness and trust of both countries in resolving trade issues, the leaders welcomed the resolution of six outstanding WTO disputes between the two countries through mutually agreed solutions as well as their understandings on market access related to certain products of significance to the bilateral trade relationship," the statement said.

Prime Minister Modi also expressed India’s interest towards being recognized as a Trade Agreements Act-designated country by the United States to further enhance the integration of both economies and to further promote trade and investment between two countries. 

"In this regard, the leaders welcomed the initiation of discussions between both sides at an official level on issues related to bilateral government procurement," the statement said.

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) were recognised for their role in inclusive growth, and plans are underway to promote their engagement in bilateral trade and digital commerce, particularly for women-owned and rural enterprises.

The leaders welcomed Air India's agreement with Boeing for over 200 aircraft, which not only supports American jobs but also modernises India's civil aviation sector through investments in infrastructure, pilot training, and aftermarket support facilities.

Boeing has announced a $100 million investment on infrastructure and programs to train pilots in India, supporting India’s need for 31,000 new pilots over the next 20 years.

The leaders also welcomed Boeing’s announcement of its completion of a C-17 aftermarket support facility for MRO and a new parts logistics center in India to capture future synergies between defense and civil aviation, the statement said.

Empowering Future Generations and Protecting the Health of People

The two leaders hailed the growing bilateral education partnership, with Indian students set to become the largest foreign student community in the United States.

They welcomed the establishment of a Joint Task Force and Indo-US Global Challenge Institutes to expand research and university partnerships in various fields.

The leaders welcomed an announcement by the US Department of State that it would launch a pilot to adjudicate domestic renewals of certain petition-based temporary work visas later this year, including for Indian nationals, with the intent to implement this for an expanded pool of H1B and L visa holders in 2024 and eventually broadening the program to include other eligible categories, the statement said.

The leaders affirmed that the movement of professional and skilled workers, students, investors and business travellers between the countries contributes immensely to enhancing bilateral economic and technological partnership.

"While acknowledging the important steps taken to augment processing of visa applications, they noted the pressing need to further expedite this process. The leaders also directed officials to identify additional mechanisms to facilitate travel for business, tourism, and professional and technical exchanges between the two countries," the statement said.

Further, the United States intends to initiate the process to open two new consulates in India in the cities of Bengaluru and Ahmedabad, the statement said.

India will take steps to operationalise its new consulate in Seattle later this year, and open two new consulates at jointly identified locations in the United States, it added.

The leaders recognised the role of asocial security totalisation agreement in protecting the interests of cross border workers and reaffirmed the intent to continue ongoing discussions concerning the elements required in both countries to enter into a bilateral social security totalisation agreement.

They welcomed the opportunity for deeper collaboration to secure pharmaceutical supply chains. 

The leaders encouraged their administrations to continue their strong collaboration on pandemic preparedness, supported by epidemiology training; laboratory strengthening and point of entry surveillance; and food safety and regulation. 

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi committed to work toward a broader and deeper bilateral drug policy framework for the 21st century.  Under this framework, both countries aspire to expand cooperation and collaboration to disrupt the illicit production and international trafficking of illicit drugs, including synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl and Amphetamine Type Stimulants and illicit use of their Precursors.

"Toward this end, they committed to a holistic public health partnership to prevent and treat illicit drug use, address workforce shortages and skilling requirements, and showcase a secure, resilient, reliable and growing pharmaceutical supply chain as a model for the world," the statement said.

Prime Minister Modi conveyed his deep appreciation for the repatriation of antiquities to India by the United States. 

"Both sides expressed strong interest in working quickly toward a Cultural Property Agreement, which would help to prevent illegal trafficking of cultural property from India and enhance cooperation on the protection and lawful exchange of cultural property," it said.

The leaders also welcomed the establishment of the Tamil Studies Chair at the University of Houston and reinstating the Vivekananda Chair at the University of Chicago to further research and teaching of India’s history and culture.

"Taken together, the leaders today affirmed that this document, in its breadth and depth,  represents the most expansive and comprehensive vision for progress in the history of our bilateral relationship," the statement said.

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