
Why A 'National Truth And Reconciliation Commission' Must Replace The National Integration Council

Dr T Hanuman Chowdary

May 31, 2022, 03:47 PM | Updated 03:47 PM IST

The Shahi Idgah mosque and Krishna Janmasthan temple in Mathura.
The Shahi Idgah mosque and Krishna Janmasthan temple in Mathura.
  • As long as mosques exist on the sites where Hindu temples once stood, there will be a feeling of humiliation and insult suffered by Hindus.
  • The National Integration Council (NIC) was established in 1961 with the lofty aim of promoting India’s nationhood and nationalism in the people transcending religious faiths and beliefs and regions.

    It was hoped that the Muslim citizens of India who were made to believe that they were a different nation by dint of their religion and therefore they should have their own national state by dividing India and creating the Islamic state of Pakistan could, through the exertions of the NIC, forget the two-nation theory and be part of one Indian nation.

    Islamists rioted and voted for the partition of India and creation of Pakistan. But most of them did not go to the state of their creation. Would the belief that they are a separate nation distinct from the Hindu majority Indians go away or remain as DNA. On this question, Dr B R Ambedkar’s opinion is:

    Pakistaniat as DNA

    “I do not think the demand for Pakistan is the result of mere political distemper, which will pass away with the efflux of time. As I read the situation, it seems to me that it is a characteristic in the biological sense of the term which the Muslim body politic has developed in the same manner as an organism develops a characteristic. Whether it will survive or not, in the process of natural selection, must depend upon the forces that may become operative in the struggle for existence between Hindus and Musalmans.
    Dr Ambedkar in the book, “Pakistan or the Partition of India”.

    Christians had misgivings that they would not have freedom not only to profess and practise but more importantly, to propagate Christianity and convert Hindus in the Hindu majority Indian state.

    In order to allay the fears of these minorities and to get them to identify with the majority in a common nationhood though having different faiths, the deliberations and recommendations of the NIC would help; so was the hope. Unfortunately, despite 60 years of its existence, integration has not taken place. On the other hand the disintegrative tendencies and movements are on the increase.

    Once it was propagated that the ruling British were responsible for the Hindu-Muslim divide and communal riots. The British had gone away from India 75 years ago but the number of communal riots and their virulence and their extensiveness throughout the land since 1947 too disprove the propaganda that it was the British who promoted disunity. The fact is, it is inherent in the Islamic theology and history.

    Similarly, the Christian missions are keeping up their separateness and propagating the lie that they are not getting fair treatment and their religious freedom and obligations to propagate Christianity and convert Hindus are interfered with. It is evident that the NIC has failed to achieve even a fraction of its aims.

    The main reason is the negationism of Muslims aided by different parties in India and the deracinated so called seculars and left liberal intellectuals. In the face of history and fact, Muslims deny that Hindu temples had not been desecrated and destroyed and in place of some of them, mosques were constructed. This is what is negationism in Indian history. Opinions of two great historians/philosophers Will Durant and Arnold Toynbee are relevant to recall.

    Bloodiest Conquests

    "The Mohamedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."
    Will Durant: "Story of Civilization"

    Aurangzeb: Kashi and Mathura:

    “Aurangazeb’s purpose in building these mosques (Kashi and Mathura) was the same intentionally offensive political purpose that moved the Russians to build their Cathedral in the city center at Warsaw. I must say that Aurangazeb was a veritable genius for picking out provocative sites. Aurangezeb and Phillip –II of Spain are a pair. They are incarnations of the gloomy fanatical vein in Christian, Muslim and Jewish family of religions………Perhaps the Poles were really kinder in destroying the Russians’ self discrediting monuments in Warsaw than you (Indians) have been in sparing Aurangazeb’s mosques.
    Arnold Toynbee, The world famous historian and philosopher in his Azad Memorial Lecture at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai -1963

    It was not only in India the temples were looted and destroyed but even in the Christian lands of North Africa, Spain, Levant (Syria and Lebanon), Byzantium (Turkey…). Churches were demolished by invading and conquering Muslim armies. Iconoclasm is an essential creed of Islam.

    As long as mosques exist on the sites where the Hindu temples had been destroyed and mosques erected there will be unquenchable feeling of humiliation and insult suffered by Hindus due to Islamist vandalism. Such mosques should be considered 'Hindu Masjids'. Praful Goradia, a one-time Rajya Sabha member, had written and published a book with the above title in the 1990s.

    These mosques are described and historical and archeological evidence is described in that book. The most important such ones are those at Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi and so on. In respect of all of these, the Muslim parties and their Marxist allies, ‘eminent’ historians in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and the communist parties are denying desecration and destruction. This negationism and irrational denials induce and promote Hindus' resolve to get the sites back and reconstruct the temples that were once destroyed, some of them several times.

    Until the 'mosques' on the very site of destroyed temples are restored to Hindus, their resolve to get them will not disappear.

    Sitaram Goel, a researcher on the record of Islamic invasions and Muslim rule in India, published two volumes under the title, Hindu Temples: What happened to them (the Islamic evidence).

    These were published by Voice of India in the early 1990s and reprinted more than four times since then.

    Dr Koenraad Elst, a Belgium scholar, corroborated the widespread temple destruction by Islamic invaders and rulers in India in his book, Negationism in Indian History, a Voice of India publication. He exposes the falsehoods in the narratives by Islamist and Marxist historians of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and JNU, Delhi.

    It is therefore prudent and necessary that instead of the failed National Integration Council we have a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission; the precedents are in South Africa and Peru (South America) where the indigenous people who were, though converted to Christianity, reduced to serfdom and penury by European Christian conqueror-settler-rulers after they got freedom from the foreign rule in South Africa and after the indigenous people had become the majority in Peru.

    Truth and Reconciliation Commissions had been established and the strife between the foreign settlers and ex-rulers and native people had been contained. We should undertake such an exercise to truthfully once for all remove the cause for strife namely, the continued existence of Hindu masjids.

    Dr T Hanuman Chowdary is a Padma Shri awardee; Chairman, Pragna Bharati; Fellow, TCS; Convenor, Bharatiya Dharma Rakshana Samakhya; Former IT Advisor to Government of Andhra Pradesh; Founder CMD, VSNL.

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