Tablighi Jamaat chief  Maulana Saad.
Tablighi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad. 
News Brief

Here’s The Full Text Of Saad’s Speeches And Controversial Remarks That No Mainstream Media Cared To Report

BySwarajya Staff

A section of media and commentators are now using a shoddy report to cover up Saad’s speeches

Over a month after the Tablighi Jamaat Delhi event that turned out to be a super-spreader of the Covid-19 in India, the role of Maulana Saad, head of the Tablighi Jamaat, is once again in question.

A recent report in Indian Express claimed that “high placed sources” told the newspaper that an audio clip of Saad’s speech mentioned in the FIR against him may be “doctored” - a claim that the Delhi Police later refuted.

Also read: Police Rebuttal Isn’t The Only Problem With Indian Express Report On Tablighi Head’s Audio. It Seems Intended To Misinform And Mislead

In the age of social media, it’s completely possible that several audio clips are making rounds on the internet, some of which may be fake.

However, the full text of Saad’s speeches has been available online since 6 April on, which lists inter alia as its source. The readers can find full text of the speeches here.

Here, we are listing some of the problematic portions:

“ can never happen that the wrath of God will inflict the Kafirs [unbelievers] and the Muslims will also be afflicted by it. Some people have got the wrong belief that the contagion was meant for the 'others' but Muslims fell prey to it. God directly deals with every momin [believers]”

“This is the time to bring the Ummah to the mosques, not of leaving the mosque... If the Kafirs prevented you from your Amal, Allah will destroy them... Instead of thronging the mosques, they are saying, 'leave the mosque, for if you gather in the mosques, the disease will spread'.. They are fools.”

"...they will say that we are doing it temporarily. Temporarily? The purpose of the wrath of God that descends is to bring people towards good deeds. It's not without purpose.. Therefore, my friends, this is the time to populate the mosques with deeds”.

"If, God forbid, Muslims prefer remedial measures over Fate, I swear, these remedial measures [against Coronavirus] will drive you away from mosques. You will cause the azaab (i.e., wrath of God) to intensify and not to diminish...whenever a calamity befalls on you, you should be running towards the mosque.”

"It's a false belief the disease spreads through assembling in the mosques. Therefore, I say that even if you observe that man dies after entering the mosque, there cannot be a better place to die...Allah has brought the calamity as a punishment for leaving the mosques, and they think they can ward off the calamity by leaving the mosque. Think over it. How ridiculous!”

“..Do the doctors know? No, the advice of only those doctors who are pious, religious minded and God-fearing and are punctual in the observance of religious practices will be followed. Even then, if the doctor gives an advice which causes a religious duty to be suspended, his advice will not be complied with, leave aside the advice of a scholar or an educated man to lock down the mosques. Shrug off the idea from your heart.”

"The Satan is using this opportunity as it has always done to lead us astray from our religious duties in the name of precautions, treatment and protection.”

"The ways of the 'others' are such that they will make Muslims leave their own ways... They will say, 'Hand over your system to us and we will cure your malady.' Never, never. Muslims are the essence of this universe. Kafirs (infidels) are not the essence of this universe. The system of this universe will run thanks to the Muslim.”

“Only those who don't know the Supreme Being need to think how to defend [against] this calamity, this disease. It's only the Kafirs who rely on the material remedies and resources. Muslims rely on Aamaal (religious deeds) and prayers.”

“...precautionary measures should be followed only to the extent that they do not cause suspension of your religious duties..If you abandoned any of your religious duties due to your zeal to take precautions, God will pull His hand off you. Your religious deeds are based on your faith. Remedial measures are not faith-based, religious duties are.”

Swarajya also carried a five-part series on the Tablighi Jamaat-Covid-19 episode: