
The Right People - Episode 6 : Ritwik Priya

Amarnath Govindarajan

Apr 06, 2013, 01:02 PM | Updated Apr 29, 2016, 01:40 PM IST

The Right People is a podcast series initiated by Centre Right India to highlight people who are not politicians or involved closely with professional politics. CRI talks to those who identify with centre-right politics from across the vast Right framework – economic right-wingers, libertarians, traditionalists, Swadeshi right, etc.

Undoubtedly, these groups bicker much among themselves and are not part of any monolithic Right; however, they all have their place in national politics as long as they represent a community of interests and values within the state. CRI recognizes this diversity and welcomes it, and The Right People tries to talk to different people to better understand their views and aims.

In the sixth episode of The Right People, CRI editor Prasanna talks to Ritwik Priya.  Ritwik is a well known columnist known for his insightful views and analysis of economic issues. His writings have been published in both digital and print publications.


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Previous episodes

Sandeep Balakrishna

Jaymin Panchal


Sunanda Vashisht

Amit Malviya


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