
India’s True Path To Development Is A Renaissance Rooted In Ancient Wisdom

Sampadananda Mishra

Sep 21, 2024, 12:28 PM | Updated 12:28 PM IST

Artful carvings by the Pallavas at Mahabalipuram (Photo by Mari Ganesh Kumar on Unsplash)
Artful carvings by the Pallavas at Mahabalipuram (Photo by Mari Ganesh Kumar on Unsplash)
  • The key to solving global challenges lies in India’s ancient knowledge, which holds the clues to overcoming the crises humanity is currently grappling with.
  • "India can best develop herself and serve humanity by being herself and following the law of her own nature." — Sri Aurobindo

    As India steps into a new era of growth and expansion, the opportunity before her transcends mere economic or technological advancement. Our nation stands on the cusp of reclaiming the deeper purpose of its existence — awakening the spirit of ancient knowledge that has guided humanity for millennia. The essence of India’s development lies not in imitating the materialistic models of the world but in reviving her timeless wisdom, spirituality, and cultural heritage. 

    In today's global discourse, the term 'development' is often misrepresented. It has come to be associated primarily with material wealth, technological progress, and political power. Nations are classified as 'developed', 'developing', or 'underdeveloped' based on external factors like economic status, military might, and industrial output. However, for India, true development is something far deeper. It is about nurturing human qualities such as wisdom, harmony, beauty, righteousness, and spiritual excellence. 

    The real work of a Viksit Bharat lies in harnessing this profound wisdom to address the global challenges of today. The solutions to the world’s pressing problems — be they social, ecological, or spiritual — are embedded within the treasures of our ancient heritage. India, with her millennia-old reservoir of knowledge, has the answers that can guide not only her but the world towards a more harmonious and enlightened future.

    A Renaissance Of Self-Recovery And Awakening

    India’s true development cannot follow the materialistic, extrinsic models that are often touted as the benchmark of progress. Instead, her path lies in an inward journey — a revival of her intrinsic values, spirituality, and rich cultural heritage. As Sri Aurobindo emphasised, India must rise by staying true to herself, by following the law of her own nature. The key to solving global challenges lies in India’s ancient knowledge, which holds the clues to overcoming the crises humanity is currently grappling with.

    This renaissance, however, does not mean a mere return to past forms of living. It represents a reorientation, a self-recovery, and a preparation for a greater future — one that is aligned with India’s unique destiny. It is time to break free from the barriers of imitation and rise to the heights of our opportunity. If India embraces her true essence, she will not only empower herself but also lead the world towards a new era of spiritual and cultural harmony.

    India’s Role As A Guide for Humanity

    The world is looking to India, not for more material power but for leadership in wisdom and spiritual excellence. The path forward is not about accumulating wealth or military strength but about embodying the qualities of wisdom, beauty, righteousness, and saintliness. Our national reconstruction must be rooted in these values — an inward awakening that prepares us for the future while also drawing from the profound foundation of our past.

    As Sri Aurobindo articulated, "India has the key to the knowledge and conscious application of the ideal; what was dark to her before in its application, she can now, with a new light, illumine." This is India’s moment to rise, to break the barriers that once restricted her, and to lead the world towards solutions rooted in her ancient wisdom.

    This journey of self-recovery and self-awakening is not just for India’s benefit — it is for the entire world. As the ancient saying reminds us:

    एतद्देशप्रसूतस्य सकाशादग्रजन्मनः । 

    स्वं स्वं चरित्रं शिक्षेरन्पृथिव्यां सर्वमानवाः ||

    The exemplary character and wisdom of the great souls born in India can serve as a guiding light for all humanity to learn from and follow. India’s destiny is to lead by example, showing the world that true progress is not just about outer achievements but about inner development. There is no end to development. It's a continuous process. A journey that is ever progressive in which one goes on attaining peaks after peaks. As the Veda says: यत् सानोः सानुमारुहत्…

    The Time Is Now

    The question before us is not if we will rise, but when we will claim our destiny. The time is now for India to embrace her roots, transform her future, and inspire the world. By doing so, India will not only reclaim her greatness but also fulfil her true role in the global renaissance that is waiting to unfold.

    Let us take this moment to remember who we are, to reawaken our spirit, and to lead the way towards a future that balances material progress with spiritual fulfilment. 

    Let us show the world that the true path to development lies not in the accumulation of wealth or power but in the blossoming of human excellence, guided by the wisdom of our ancient heritage.

    Prof (Dr) Sampadananda Mishra, Founding Director, Centre for Human Sciences, Rishihood University, Sonipat, Haryana

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